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Lost & Found

Home Forums Feedback & Suggestions Lost & Found

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Abel Tempest Abel Tempest 7 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Sweetie



'Lost and Found' is my working title for something I'd like to propose for Outbreak. Being new, the last thing I want is to tell all you vets out there how to make things better! That said, I've had some encounters involving someone looking for someone else, possibly a character, possibly NPC, so this might help the game, both IC and OOC.


Arklay is a trading post with a transient population. People come and go, perhaps looking for a loved one, a family member, a friend. How do you let them know you're still alive? That you're still holding on to the hope of being reunited?

Pretty sure the phones aren't working. Not much internet either. So people go all analogue and pin a message to a wall, a scribbled note, or even a picture, to tell them they're here, waiting, or that they'll return. Maybe someone else will have seen them and be able to pass on news.

As time passes, more and more notes are added to what becomes an unofficial focal point for messages. Has someone left a message for you? Perhaps someone came through and has moved on? Or a family member settled here? This would be one of the places where you'd go check.


In addition to being an RP prop, this could be a 'message board' used to let each other know IC if we're going away RL for a period. There would be a permanent collection of pictures and notes (NPCish), to set the tone, against which the temporary pictures of characters would be pinned.

In my mind, the practicalities would involve dragging a notecard into an NPC. The note would include a profile picture (full perm) and a line or two of text in it. These would then be placed in a picture on the wall, so that it would say the message in Open when touched:

"Gone on a solo mission to the mainland, plan to be back end July, fingers crossed, Sweetie"

I'm not sure that it's either a business or faction, but would need to be curated. It's still a kinda nebulous idea so over to you guys to see if it should float or sink without a trace!

  • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Sweetie Sweetie.

Too kawaii to die

June 4, 2017 at 2:41 am
Profile photo of Cobb



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it's a crazy, dangerous world out there. It also holds beauty beyond compare... don't dream it, live it, if you dare...

June 9, 2017 at 11:26 am
Profile photo of Jordana



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June 18, 2017 at 9:43 pm
Profile photo of Abel Tempest

Abel Tempest


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☠ President - Dogs of Hell MC Arklay Island - The Fringe ☠
June 20, 2017 at 11:08 am
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