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McCoy Clan By Ost Clawtooth

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KayKay Stine


McCoy Clan
By Ost Clawtooth

FOUNDING MEMBERS: Ost Clawtooth, Acilius Resident

OVERVIEW: The McCoy Clan - History Some say McCoy mountain was enchanted. How was it they managed to avoid expulsion from the land they paid no taxes on? How did they live without money backed by a federal reserve they didn't trust? Wasn't that land part of national forest? Whatever and however it was, it was so. For generations the McCoys kept to themselves, living off the land on the border between Tennessee and North Carolina. Their culture was steep and deeply Appalachian, clinging fast to the old Gaelic of their heritage. They did not attend public schools, neither did they have running water or electricity. The McCoys were off the grid entirely, with absolutely no strings to tether them into what they saw as slavery to an oppressive government. Things went on that way for ages, up until a couple State Troopers showed up to try to force the McCoys off the mountain and into mandatory evacuation. The world had gone crazy, they said. There was a plague that was killing everyone. The state's force was met with resistance and the McCoys gunned the troopers down. But they didn't stay down. What the McCoys saw was that a plague had unleashed that old Native legend; the plague had unleashed the Wendigo.? The contagion spread it's fever over the mountain and the McCoy clan was decimated. What few members survived, fled west with the explosion of the oak ridge nuclear plant hot on their heels. Their course drew them north, and the first midwest winter saw them in starvation. It was then they learned that in order to survive, they must embrace what had driven all others to madness. By embracing it, they would control it, and the McCoy Cult was formed. That winter, the resourceful McCoys devoured every survivor they came across. They grew stronger, and like the walkers, they cheated death by causing death. They became the Wendigo willingly. Two years after that fire raged on the mountain, the McCoy clan arrive in Arklay, the dust and danger clinging to handmade leathers, furs, and salvaged clothing. They are lean, hungry, and view anyone not them as a consumable commodity; in whatever fashion appeals to them at the time. The McCoy Cult Believing themselves to be 'The Chosen People', the McCoys view outsiders as slaves. Even with the collapse of modern society, others cling to value-less money, luxury, and false power. Operating as a family, the McCoys do adopt like-minded people as their own; Those who refuse the yoke, and wish to exist in true freedom. The cult avoids the use of money as much as possible, preferring to barter instead. After all, can't someone simply realize the pieces of paper are worth nothing at all? The cult is led by one person, the singular authority of the family, the Brenin. The Brenin will usually be 'The Real McCoy” that is, a blood family member and not an inducted one. Induction into the clan is accomplished through a ritual, where the inductee drops their given last time along with all the yokes of their past, and takes the surname McCoy. They must then dine with one of “The Real McCoys”, in a candlelit dinner of human flesh. There is no room for taboo when humanity is staring extinction in the face. There is no room for weakness among the chosen few. The McCoys do not believe in working for paper but will make trades for what they lack. They are likely to take what they want by force if need be and are known to kidnap 'jaspers' for recreational and or food purposes. Although mostly isolationists, the clan does have reason to leave the fringe and head into town, though they believe it to be bad luck to leave there empty-handed. In times of dire need, the clan is known to arrive en masse and stage raids on other groups for supplies or even simply kidnapping a few people for food or ransom. At the end of the day, the McCoys are not criminals for crime's sake but rather representative of the total breakdown of human morality in the face of the apocalypse. How better to fight the monsters, than to become a monster yourself? All it takes is snipping those strings that tether the self to civility. The McCoy cult among itself, is generally peaceful. They are protective and helpful and spend the nights telling and retelling the stories and histories of their people so they won't forget them. The only thing worse than going extinct, is being forgotten. McCoy Clan – Ranks Brenin – The leader of the cult. Sentinels – The brawn of the cult Little Brothers/Sisters – The protected of the cult (still must be inducted through ritual) The Folk – The cult members, as a whole Group Mission Statement - It is the purpose of the The McCoy Clan to bring a source of conflict and antagonism to the sim, while maintaining maturity and integrity ooc. We wish to provide a viable foe for even the strongest lawful factions that may have trouble maintaining a good source of IC conflict, while working together closely on storylines and vision on an ooc level. McCoy Clan members will be expected to have a strong separation of IC and OOC, and will be expected to conduct themselves as an adult at all times. McCoy Clan Flaws- Many members are uneducated and inept with technology. McCoys tend to be socially backwards and the Real McCoys may be nearly unintelligible with their accents. They are quick to anger and may ruin trades and deals on the regular because of it. They are outsiders and will likely never see the protection of the city should real danger fall upon the area. Business McCoys would align with- While a true alliance is sketchy at best, the McCoys would be more than happy to provide meat to the diner for trade. Sloppy Joes made with REAL joes!

POTENTIAL ENEMY: Potential ally would be Howlers. Potential and current enemies are all 'lawful' groups and anyone who would attempt to get in the way of their way of life and traditions.

EXPERIENCE:I have been the leader of numerous antagonist factions in SL, from wasteland to high fantasy. I enjoy working with others to create an exciting and what-will-happen-next experience for players and I am not afraid to lose and take my lumps as well. I have learned to take cues from the mood of the roleplay around me and know when a good time for surprise action is, and when it would be better to let people play as they are. Though my leadership experience is not limited to antagonism, it is what I enjoy the best and I don't mind being the one everyone loves to hate.

IDEAS:The McCoy Clan is a very obvious presence and will be looking for those who do not follow the status quo. We will also be looking for people who enjoy capture and rescue type scenarios. People who express interest in joining will be brought into the family provided they are a good fit, through roleplay.

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April 1, 2017 at 12:20 am
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~First rule when dealing with the devil... ~

April 1, 2017 at 6:56 am
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April 1, 2017 at 8:16 am
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If you can't be good, be good at it.

April 1, 2017 at 9:17 am
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We all have demons, I just choose to embrace mine.

April 1, 2017 at 12:44 pm
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KayKay Stine


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April 1, 2017 at 5:48 pm
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