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[Posted in Coach's Pub]

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion [Posted in Coach's Pub]

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jutana Sneerwell jutana sneerwell 10 years, 3 months ago.

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Profile photo of Jutana Sneerwell

jutana sneerwell


((Please, keep this as IC as possible, being on a forum that gets a little tricky, but still! Hopefully this will add some extra flavor. Happy rping!))

Scattered around the dart board at Coaches Pub, napkins are slowly starting to be pinned in place on the wall. Some drink-stained, others simply names of people lost or found. Tacks are provided by bartenders in the event you'd like to add a napkin to the wall.

One tacked in the center mass of napkins reads:
MISSING Male, late fifties. 6'3" 250-300lbs. Balding. Goes by Coach. Carries a leather wallet and two speed keys at all times. If found, please bring him to the pub, or find Jack at Coaches.

One near it reads:
~Looking for Jack O'Connell....Male, later 20's, black hair, 'Lucky' Neck tattoo, blue eyes, about 6'3.... Tell him Lex is looking for him.~

You still wake up sometimes, don't you? You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs.

December 17, 2014 at 7:25 pm
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