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[Pre-launch RP Share] The loss of a Family

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion [Pre-launch RP Share] The loss of a Family

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Esmeralda Siamendes


((We decided to channel our excitement for the launch into Pre-RP! Thought we would share the roleplay we did tonight of Emmy discovering her family. Enjoy!))

[2014/12/06 12:37] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me Things had been odd, as of late. All those reports of people getting sick. The news had been rather confusing about them, the people broadcasting about it seeming even unsure themselves about what was happening and how serious it was. A sense of unease rested over the city. It showed in the way people walked in the street, quickly and without catching others' gaze. People were stopping coming to work, fearing... Something. Perhaps it was the worst of those events. Something was happening and nobody seemed to know what. Fear, without knowledge would soon turn to panic. In the streets, as the girl made her way to the home of her family, she would notice their emptiness. There were plenty of cars and muffled sounds came from houses but the roads seemed empty.
The door to the house was closed but if a hand was extended to try it, of a if a key was had, it would easily have been opened. Once it swung open, the humidity and heat would assault her senses. From various sides of the room the sources of heat were
[2014/12/06 12:37] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): coming from the radiator, inexplicably turned to the maximum and left to run to their own accord. In this overwhelming temperature, scents festered. Scents of sickness, acrid and almost fetid. It were string and underneath it, another stench... Something still elusive but unusual and putrid. The room was in dismay, comforters and cups left over. Tissues and in a corner of the room a garbage can diffused a scent of dried up vomit, flies buzzing about. In the bile colored liquids, crimson was laced if one took a moment to gaze inside of it. But perhaps, most disturbing of all, were the noises, coming from the second floor. Wet, sloppy, constant. Low snarls and groans. Whoever was still in the house was there.

[2014/12/06 12:46] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me wasn’t a sociable girl, never had been she spent her time behind a computer and eyes glued to the screen a variable feast of codes flashing across it like the matrix. Over her head she always wore a wireless headset Microphone pressed to lips as she joked with her colleague. ‘’Colleague’’ such a funny way to describe the faceless being she bounced information with across servers. In truth the voice was just another being someone used to spending their life with facts at their sides. Limited human company as possible. That is to say Emmy had one she would willingly drop her work for and he also ‘worked’ in the same field. Together they were Robin hood or Robbing for the hood. The two hackers quite a force to be reckoned with now they were on the same team. It would be nearing the end of her day that the phone rang, pulling the woman from her typing ‘’Hold on, I gotta Be right back, Phone call’’ Emmy would say simply to the one on her microphone, receiving an irritated sigh back.
[2014/12/06 12:46] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): ‘’Mate, we might as well call it a day, Start up again tomorrow yea? Looks like they caught onto this one anyway’’ the voice said finally. Leaving Emmy to pull head set from her head and raise Cell phone. Body turning desk chair in a circle to look around the apartment. Huh, Dominic wasn’t back yet. That was odd.. Even for him. Though thoughts were soon interrupted as the sound of her mothers voice came through ‘’Mama? You sound tired, is everything ok?’’ Emmy asks as she pushes herself from the chair and walks toward the kitchen, phone held between shoulder and her cheek as she listened to the womans mumbles. ‘’Mama you shouldn’t do their washing if they don’t pay rent, I said this’’ a groan left her as hands opened fridge and pulled cold water bottle out, twisting the cap open she would lift it to her mouth to guzzle at the cool liquid only to stop at her next words ‘’Ok, I can drop by, I will get some supplies for you, just don’t do to much ok?’’ She closed her
[2014/12/06 12:46] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): eyes, mentally cussing out her family before ending the conversation with ‘’Ok Mama, I will be as quick as I can, I love you, Good bye’’ phone would be pulled from face as she moved about, writing out a quick text to Dominic as she grabbed her satchel and pocketed her phone. She were worried, was it perhaps the same virus others were going down with? Eventually she made her way into the city, choosing to walk quickly… though realisation she were alone in the city hit her as she rounded corners and found empty alleyways. Well alone as one could be in the city, even for a recluse such as her she noticed how baron it seemed. When she reached her mothers house and clomped up the stairs hand lifted to push it open ‘’I’m home!’’ the call was made as she walked through, hand raising to face as the smell hit her ‘’Fuck’’ that was another strange thing. Home always smelt of baked goods, cookies, even when her mother were sick she seemed to always be cooking food. ‘’Where the fuck are
[2014/12/06 12:46] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): the girls?

[2014/12/06 12:55] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me At the sound of opening door and the voice calling out, the sounds from above stairs would halt, rendering the noise volume in the house eery in its quietness. Soon, however, they would resume. Pulls upon something, the slight echo of bodies on the floor above, and always that constant sloppy sound. The scent, as she walked further into the house, would grow, impossibly potent. Fetid and putrid mixed with acrid scent of vomit and blood. On the shelves, small details would be seen if observed. Picture frames stumbled to side, phone hanging from its cord. The rug that led to the second floor would be twisted and bunched up, as if someone had ran and slipped upon it. Had it been such a short time between the phone call and the arrival of the girl? Had it been such a short time since she had heard the voice of her mother? It seemed something had irrevocably changed in the house, in her home in the short time that it took her to get to it. Something that seemed to reside on the second floor.

[2014/12/06 13:00] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me continued to look around, moving towards the phone next she would pull it up, placing phone back on its hook as if it needing righting before she moved toward the stairs, the shuffling having her hurried steps paused at the smell ‘’fuck me’’ words were mumbled as sleeve were pulled over hand and raised to her mouth, hoping to block the smell from her. ‘’Mama?’’ she would call out again, eyes finding bunched up rub before anything else. Turn back, call the police, Call Dom, Call someone. Thats what her head had said, Thats what Logic told her but stomach were twisted and turning at the thought of her mother hurt.

[2014/12/06 13:17] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me This time, the call would not halt the sounds from above. Whatever it were, too engrossed to even react to the noises and voices. In stairs, each steps would have scents grow stronger. Scents of blood, of decay, sickness, urine, vomit, a heady perfume. The landing coming into view, trails would be seen, slowly following a pattern down the walls of the stairs. Crimson and rapid, the iron scent of blood came with it. And always, those noises. If eyes came to view of landing, lights would be stronger, blinds opened and bathing the scene with a warm halo of midday. Upon ground there stood two forms. One was hunched, trembling, snarling, diving head down over and over in a repetitive metronome. The flesh was pale, bleeding and crimson was smeared all over it. The color of her mane gave the nature of the frame: Ruby. The loving mother was hunched over a form, partially visibly but for the strands of long, chocolate tresses that were fanning over the ground. Victoria. Features were hidden by the hunched one but
[2014/12/06 13:17] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): the body seemed unmoving, legs twisted at odd angles. All that surrounded them was blood. Impossible amounts of them. Beloved mother of the girl could not see what the arrival of her daughter or hear it, it seemed, her back to her as she continued to hunch and rock forward with snarls and groans of guttural nature.
But perhaps, strangest than all those sights were the third frame in the room. Huddled and trembling, with a mane of honey and eyes wide with terror, Lara were rooted on the spot? She too had not seemed to see her sister for her wild eyes were set on whatever their mother was doing. In the front of pants, a wide spot of wetness could be seen in fabric, urination of utter horror seeming to be the only thing the girl had been able to do in the shock that had hit her.

[2014/12/06 13:25] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me turned up the stairs as boots thudded and she reach landing, the smell of the house now making bile raise in the back of her throat. Though eyes finally found blonde frame of her mother huddled over someone ‘’Ma what are yo-‘’ words were cut off as shock hit her, what? What? It didn’t make sense. Didn’t compute. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. She didn’t piss herself. Didn’t register the sight at all for seconds, minutes.. moments? It was almost morbid curiosity as horror gripped form to frozen. Finally mouth opened to speak ‘’Lara, Lara you have to come to me’’ it were an instruction, not a plea. A straight up command as she stepped up the finally step though eyes remained glued to her mother and her sister on the floor. What the fuck? What the fuck? What in the actual fuck? had she lost it? Had her sisters finally pushed her mother too far?

[2014/12/06 13:49] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me It halted in its movements. The voice, so close, had finally pierced through Ruby's awareness. Or could she still be called Ruby? For there were little of the woman left. Little of the loving mother. Little of the woman that had worked all those long hours, taken all those jobs. Little of the mother that had always been there for her children, that had consoled and watched over while sick. Little of the guardian of their secrets and the one that dried their tears. Little of the woman, turning into a different thing altogether. Frame would slowly stir, the straightening of torso slow, awkward, body swaying with the motion that seemed to lack control. To the side, frame would slightly turn, stumble, the messy and mated locks hiding features as groans erupted from her neck. Time seemed to halt, grind to a stop. Its restraints slipping achingly slow as the body would move, twist, slowly turning features to gaze upwards, in direction of her beloved daughter. The features were marked, flesh pale, too pale, as
[2014/12/06 13:49] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): if all blood had drained of frame. Or not entirely for all over her flesh, crimson was smeared, coagulating and coursing, putrid and poisonous in its consistency. At the base of her neck, flesh had been pierced by bone, the fractured clavicle punctured through the skin, a protuberance that had right limb hang at twisted angle. From the wound, pus and blood festered. The oddest of sights however, were the eyes. Colors of ocean that once were so pretty had turned to milky pools. Empty. Lost. Dead.
Those very eyes now stared at the girl once so beloved, unmoving next to the frame of other child of hers. Now that her frame had moved, the sight of Victoria could be seen. The girl's face was contorted in fear, even in her death. At the base of her neck and chest, lapels of flesh had been torn, crimson flowing still from it, showing life had not left the frame long ago. Flesh, muscles, crimson were all a mess of textures and skin, a wild beast seeming to have torn and devoured the body. A tit and the flesh of a
[2014/12/06 13:49] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): nipple had been torn, bit into, dangling from side of corpse in a weird, deflated image. In the crevasses of bones and muscles, heart resided still, the prize on the menu of the day.
A sudden cry and sob would interrupt the likely silence that had occurred, voice raw and tearing from throat "Emmy! EMMY!" the voice of sibling filled with terror and relief as her frame would start to rise. It would be unable to get to feet. Unable to find strength but the sight of her sibling was too strong, the trigger that had been needed. The girl started to crawl, crawl in the blood of her sibling, in the vomit and the piss, slobbering and crying "Emmy! Emmy! Emmy!" a crazed litany as she kept her gaze on her sister through the crawling of her frame on the ground, unable to bare gaze at the side.
[2014/12/06 13:49] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): The silence that had come from the third sister in the room had been what had garnered a respite while the thing had been feasting. Her movements however, her cries, suddenly broke empty gaze of the undead. From the girl at the stairs, attention shifted to the crawling one and, with a snarl, a groan, the dead one would extend frame and limbs towards the girl that attempted to join with sibling. Around an arm, wrist would close and towards the frame the putrid monster would attempt to drag itself as the honey haired one would cry louder, trashing and sobbing with pure distress and terror "EMMMY! EMMY!"

[2014/12/06 14:05] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me stared as her mother turned, stared as her mama in ally caught her gaze but it were not her mother at all. No now eyes had faded from Bright blues to the dead mirrors in skull. The seconds that passed as shock made Emmy Register the horrifying sight of her mother seemed to prolong and were only interrupted by her screaming sister. Emmy, Emmy, Emmy? She were Emmy and too quickly the monster of her mother had grabbed for her sister. She moved without thinking toward the struggling frames of family, hand reaching out as she passed the chest of drawers holding family clothing, she grabbed for a photo frame picture of family so close around the christmas tree clutched in fingers as she walked, Hands raising before lowering once to strike at side of temple, If hit landed or not it were meant to distract, Deter, pull the monster away from her sister enough to get her to move away. She didn’t say anything, If she survived this time with her family and were asked about it later, she would not be able to
[2014/12/06 14:05] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): describe how her mind had gone blank, as if shrinking away and her body had moved on her own. A computer hack or machine running a standby by programme. She could not tell others how it felt to feel nothing, how shock had made fear turn to adrenalin. And she would not even justify how she had moved without speaking, without warning her mother like so many others who would scream for others to get back or move.

[2014/12/06 14:17] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me The once mother now monster would have taken the blow. Fully. Broken glass would plant themselves into its flesh but as it pierced the surface nothing but black sludge of poisonous kind seeped from the wound. The frame would have fractured flesh wider, having it tear over temple and down to cheekbone, revealing muscles, flesh and bone. And yet... nothing. No pain was expressed. No surprise. No anger. Nothing. It was as if the blow had landed on a corpse for all the reaction it got. With impact at side of head, body had lurched to the side with the momentum of collision, slipping off of frame beneath, the honey haired one wriggling free and moving upon knees towards her sister as she kept sobbing in constant mess of syllables. The distance she would go would not be long however for, deterred by movement, the hungering fiend would not be strayed for long, pale fingers coated in crimson and filth digging around an ankle. "EMMY! EMMY!" the words echoed again, the utter terror in them growing crescendo as
[2014/12/06 14:17] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): voice broke on a sob before yells resumed, louder, filled with insanity of moment as the monster drug the frame backwards towards it. Lara's fingers would grip at rug, attempting to hold upon it, perhaps having sibling lose her footing as she kept screaming, extending a hand towards her sister "EMM-" but the call of the name would halt altogether, replaced by a piercing scream of horror and agony. Around a limb, the monster had sunk its blood coated teeth, the bite vicious and in depth for around gob blood sprayed and coated fabric, flesh and features. The dead eyes remained soulless, empty, as the mother started to devour the flesh of child's leg.

[2014/12/06 14:31] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me as swing hit and the force was felt through hands, up arms she grunted… sound one of body registering it. The putrid poisons black liquid that left wound had her stare at it, now sure what she hit were not her mother but something else entirely and as studying continued the screams woke her again. Hands with photo frame were raised again and aimed for side of head. Again if hit landed or not she would try to hit, again, again and again, the heavy metal and broken glass frame trying to drive form from sister. ‘’LET HER GO!’’ Words finally left her as a roar, a scream of bloody anger, if she were to loose Victoria, her Mother.. let her just have Lara.. Let her keep one sibling safe. Alive. She didn’t register that bite might contaminate sibling of blood, it didn’t click that hope were already lost and she might as well burn family home to ground. No all she wanted was to get was her sister safe. Dom would help her with her Mom, He always fixed things, Victoria, it wasn’t vicky on the floor.
[2014/12/06 14:31] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): It wasn’t Vicky on the floor.

[2014/12/06 14:59] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me The repetitive blows on her temple break flesh, muscles, echoing over and over upon cranium. It sounded hollow, fragile with each new blows until it fractured the bone and newer sludges of crimson flowed from the wound. This blood seemed more rapid, less coagulated. As if this were last that had been refreshed before the turn into horror had occurred. Each blows, however, produced counter action for, with gob so deeply punctured into flesh, the knocks and shoves against head helped tear and pull muscle and skin from bone of Lara's calf. The tearing, the slurping the sludges of flesh and blood echoed loudly alongside the sounds of the repetitive blows. Snarls and groans emanated from the beast's throat as it kept tearing through skin, eating flesh, devouring her own child. Lara's screams grew more strained, breaking, voice turn into a rasp as she sobbed uncontrollably, the scent of urine stronger in the air, mixing with the iron of blood. Her voice was coming muffled against ground, constantly crying for
[2014/12/06 14:59] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): her sister "Emmy, Em..." losing strength as she lost blood.
Finally, head would snap backward, a harder blow tearing it from flesh, having the corpse fall to side as its hold were loose. Loose as well were the rope of muscles and skin that hung from its gob, a spray of blood bathing all around as a scream pierced from the honey haired girl, utter agony as half of her calf were torn from her limb. The dead eyes of her mother gazed upward to her beloved child, its bloodied and pale decaying form sprawled over Victoria as the blow had made it fall to side. Hands agitated, lifted, seeming to beg for help, for assistance as it searched to get back closer, back to the prey it had been feasting upon. It slowly moved, rolled, crawling again, snarling beast of her mother, its limb, this time, extending towards her standing daughter. Upon side, cranium punctured, blood streamed, mating locks of once glorious platinum to side of head. Beneath, rotting and in confines, brain could be seen.

[2014/12/06 15:08] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me Blow against heads continued, eyes wide with frenzy as dark blues stared at bloodied mess.. until head snapped back and blood sprayed, Steps would be taken back and arms raised to protect her features, as if now scared of dirtying herself or apparel. It would be the thud of body to ground that had her lower arms again, photo frame falling to the ground in ruins ‘’Vic-‘’ Words were cut off as her Mama began to move again. . . And she could see broken cranium showing brain tissue. This wasn’t right.. This wasn’t right at all ‘’Mom, stop’’ she begged, pleaded with the woman as she crawled forward, and the snatching hands had her jump away again. ‘’Stop!’’ she yelled, boot raising in an attempt to hit broken cranium.. Push through skull to stomp at grey matter ‘’Just stop!’’

[2014/12/06 15:20] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me The snarling beast gripped into thin air, movements slow, awkward, the force and vigor of a revived corpse, after all. Limbs fall to ground, attempting to rise again, features snarling and coated in blood of her children, attempting to draw blood of other one before boot suddenly stomped to side of head. It was incredible what fear could do, the strength and adrenaline it bestowed upon one. The perfect defense mechanism. The sole of the boot lands against side of head, having the cranium land harshly against floor and rug, at side of strangely silent Lara. Before the dad one could arise again, boot would catch the side of cranium once more, fracturing further the protection of bone around grey matter. Blood, poisonous sludges of it, blackened and coagulated flew with the lift of sole, coating the ground and frames close by. A groan escaped the beast, limb lifting again to attempt and close around a limb, anything, but it were weak. Its groan fractures with the sound of bones cracking loudly, confines
[2014/12/06 15:20] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): exploding finally. Sole would fit just right into the hole it made, the bone gripping at the side of foot as it dived into skull and stomped into the rotting brain of matriarch. If one had ever seen a watermelon explode upon impact, it would be close to the sludge that was left behind it, face fracturing into annihilation, the last remains of features of mother collapsing under the explosion of brain and head beneath the furious stomps of her brain. The frame had stopped moving as only sounds came from the repetitive stomping of the wet miasma that remained of brain, head and once had once been loving Mother.

[2014/12/06 15:28] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me continued to stomp long after poisons blood left the cranium, presuming movement caused by her boot to be a twitch, a sign of life, a promise her mother would try to attack again and only after the sludges and her heavy breathing and screaming were the only sounds to be had would she presume her task done and feet would still, stepping into tarnish blood to stare down at the still body of her Mama. Before landing on still form of Lara ‘’Lara, Lara honey’’ words left her in a panic as she moved forward, hands reaching to wrap around her sibling to pull her up and check her, How long had she been out? How long had she been left ‘’Lara, wake up sweet heart we need to get out of here, come on, Come on’’ panic filled her now as tears began to fill her eyes, what the fuck was going on? None of this was logical, sensible.. right.

[2014/12/06 15:56] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): /me 'd been rushing back here as fast as he could. When it had started he was caught in the middle of it all. What worse of a cliche area that he could be in than a mall? Him and a lot of others took into mind what happened. Yet he was one of the select few to accept it as a reality. Between breaking into a store to steal supplies that 'this' hadn't occurred to yet... pilfering a backpack to stuff them in... then beating up a man on his motorcycle before racing all the way here through congested traffic.. he was in a very bus day. Neck deep in issues, he could only hope that Emmy's family was alright. Yet as soon as he crashed through the front, 'okay' was the last thing this place was. Silently, hatchet in hand he'd managed to get ahold of, he'd began to make his way up the stairs as at this point all he heard was silence... that was until he heard the shakey voice of Emmy trembling about 'Lara'.... He didn't even bother to think... instead he rushed up the staircase in a single bound, rushed over the side
[2014/12/06 15:56] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): rail.... and rushed Emmy... gripping her by her small shoulders to rip her away from her sister and toss her onto her back to his side... just so his hands could start ripping away at her clothes, pulling fabric to the side.. checking for any wounds she could of managed to get throughout this entire ordeal.

[2014/12/06 16:05] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me Of mother, there was nothing left. The repetitive stomping had left but a mess of hair, bones and grey matters where head had once been. The body laid without vigor, legs slumped over Victoria. Lara was silent as well. The hands that had gripped at her would have had frame lifeless, head lolling backwards as features grew paler by the second from the blood loss. If one were to seek a pulse, it would be faint, growing further and further till it all but disappeared. Of the family once had, all were now dead. Both siblings laid in pools of blood, the open thorax of Victoria infesting air with scent of decays, a sweet, acrid scent mixed with that of mother. The room was a war zone of blood, broken glass, vomit and bodily fluids, the three cadavers intertwined in death.
Or what death were now. For, from the lifeless form of the chocolate haired, stirring would come. Slow at first before shambling corpse would roll to side. Its movements were awkward, limbs barely controlled as it started to get to its feet,
[2014/12/06 16:05] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): a groan, a moan tearing itself from its throat. In orbits, the same milky gaze, the same dead stare inhabited the corpse that was now stumbling towards the two living ones. Alike staring beast attracted to the nourishment it needed, craved. In her wake, sludges of flesh and blood befell from her frame, pale flesh smeared further with own blood as the vision of the living dead came closer, hands extended towards them.

[2014/12/06 16:09] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me didn’t hear the sound of the door opening, the thumping up the stairs, attention were on her sister, so as she were pulled backwards an outright scream left her. One that normally should of left her on sight of seeing her mother Devour her sister. The heavy weight to her front as she were pinned hand arms flailing up to hit, stomach, torso, Chest. Thuds reigned at his front in fear as her shirt were opened to reveal her unwounded body. Unwounded yet now incredibly bloodied body as she remained pushed in the bloody mess of her family dearest. ‘’GET OFF ME!’’ the scream left her as Dark Blues searched frantically for for weapon, fear gripping her as she tried to escape. This meant unfortunately Lara’s awakening would be missed by the pinned blonde, panic still refusing to let it register that her family were part of the undead or in her mothers case.. the very much dead dead.

[2014/12/06 16:20] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): /me The sound of his hand going across Emmy's face would be loud enough to echo throughout this house of the dead. With the fact she yelled out like that, the slap was needed.. part to draw her attention.. part to snap sense into her... and part to shut her up.... "Emmy.... either you stop them from moving with your own hands, or I will ~ But however it goes down, keep quiet about it ~" The annoyingly calm tone his voice took even in this situation like this, wasn't something that was needed for this situation at all. If anything, it'd make it worse. Yet he was already shoving off his feet, with hands gripping Emmy first by the shoulders, then by the waist to yank her lithe body off the floor... to tug her off the bedroom stained carpet like a rag doll and yank her across the room... not in the direction of the stairs... yet in the direction of the corner of the room, trapping them in... and the axe he hand in hand was raised and shoved into her small hands.... "Either you kill them, or they kill us
[2014/12/06 16:20] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): together.... choose....." Even if she chose the latter and hated him for not going through with it... he had no intention of letting his woman be wasted away to greed's apostles.

[2014/12/06 16:26] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me The stumbling and shambling corpse had been so close to the two frames when suddenly they would be stirred, moved to other corner. It were not for hunger she would have given up to hunt her. Yet it always reigned always gnawed alike it gnawed now. The all consuming hunger that motivated all actions and movements. Head smeared in blood, empty, dead eyes turn to the two in corner and, slowly, change its course. Upon rug and ground it traveled and, bloodied limbs extended, gripping at fabrics, frames, all that could be held, all that could be taken. Groans and snarls emanated past gob, scent of decaying corpse stronger as it neared closer, its bloodied dentition snapping into thin air as it sought to close around more tangible fabric. Of the sister, the companion, the friend, there were little left. Little but a stumbling corpse that were ravenous for the flesh and savage in its approach. From torso, ripped flesh and lapels clung, the miasma of blood that splurged from wound leaving sights of once beating
[2014/12/06 16:26] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): heart between muscles and bones.

[2014/12/06 16:33] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me had already beaten her mother to a pulp, was now drenched in her putrid blood as the slap rained down on her face. It broke her out of the spell of course, the pain radiating from cheek stung her eyes in forms of tears. Ow, Ow. Ow. Her name, again her name and no sooner that came voices, instructions. Her body being pulled up toward the corner. She stumbled into it, the axe shoved into her own hands having them dropped to side like a dead weight. ‘’Dom’’ The name left her lips in realisation one was left and eyes moved from him to Vicky now shambling towards them, then her mother and Lara on the floor. Tears ran free, breaking the damn to fall over stained cheeks as hands tightened grip on the axe and raised it. A Defensive stance before her body before she heard Doms words. Let them die or let them kill us? No. No. This can’t be happening Dom Fixed everything, he fixed.. Everything. Yet, she had learnt something a long time ago: Follow his instructions. It were like second nature now, Not that
[2014/12/06 16:33] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): she could not make up her own mind or had her own back bone but rather she trusted so completely in the man it were more poisons that the bite the infected gnashes could give. ‘’No’’ word was said after being told to choose as she stepped to his side ‘’There isn’t a choice in this is there?’’ there wasn’t Die or Kill. And she would never let him die, not in the way her mother had.

[2014/12/06 16:44] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): /me "No... there isn't. They were already killed. Now there's something in them, making them like this. You honestly think your sis would want you to let her body out into the streets, looking like this? Look at them," He'd say while gripping Emmy by the back of her head, taking a large fist full of blonde held tightly wounded around his knuckles.. Even as she stood at his side on his own accord.. he wanted her to feel the firmness of his grasp as he held her face to peer at what was once blood relations.... "If you end up like this, i'll take your head. If I end up like this, you take my head... No one who comes into our loves and hearts... are allowed to truly be killed by anything but us.... 'no one'," He'd cooly repeat again, yet the latter words were through a clenched jaw as memories of things that happened earlier in the day passed through his mind. "Do it," He'd command her just as he'd release her hair.

[2014/12/06 16:50] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me There were truth in words uttered. This was not her sibling anymore. It was simply the walking, snarling corpse of her deceased sister. It had her features, her hair, her frame but of her mind, her smile, her love there was nothing left. An hollowed shell that had been filled, inhabited by a new sort of being. Virus? Sickness? Magic? Death? Satan? Whatever inhabited the corpse, whatever maneuvered it like a malicious puppeteer, it sought only agony and horror, flesh, and blood. The milky eyes of the chocolate haired saw nothing but reflected upon their surface the frames close by. Its bloodied and decaying grip would try to attach itself to frame closest, dragging itself closer, lips snarled over gob and enamel as it groaned and sought for its pound of flesh and then some. If one could tear themselves from horrifying sight, from hungering ghoul that wished to devour all, a stirring at her back would be seen. The last member of family, the honey haired angel, Lara, showed movement. However, it was
[2014/12/06 16:50] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): unlikely it were of life that it was stirred.

[2014/12/06 16:53] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me Hair became taught, Bloody blonde Strands twisted around knuckles as she were forced to look, Tears still dripping over her face still, running down cheeks as she watched the shambling form. If she ended up like that? ‘’Vicky’’ the name left her lips as hands swiped out at Emmy. If she ended up like that, he would take her head. She were only allowed to kill who she loved. Words rattled round membrane and sunk into her core yet did little to stop the tears. Little to Harden her. In fact instead of hardening her she felt ruined, wasted, Broken. And it were hand that reached out towards her that would trigger her movement. Hands gripping axe would pull it upward, sending it towards the arm in a single swipe in an attempt to remove it, Not daring to see Laras fallen body as she tried to rid herself of the first problem. ‘’Im sorry’’ words were said mid swing, punctuated by a grunt at the force she put behind the weapon.

[2014/12/06 17:02] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): /me "Don't let her cut you.. scrape you... bite you.... her blood.. saliva... any fluids from her body can't so much as get inside of y ou... that's how it works... that's how it always works.... her brain. You need to damage her brain... to make her stop moving....." He didn't move out to help her... he didn't jump into action to suddenly make this easier. This was something that would break her. This was something that would break the world. And whoever in this world wasn't strong enough to adapt on the spot.... would end up one of them. "Survive for me..... I need you to survive for me....." He'd say behind Emmy again as if the words themselves was a Mantra.... he'd even notice the faint movements of the body behind her... yet he said nothing of that happening... he'd only watch as he'd put his love in a situation to butcher her own family.

[2014/12/06 17:11] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me The limb would be sliced through easily. Too easy actually. The axe might have been well honed but the putrefaction that came with the disease had made for the body to rot at quicker pace than expected. The severed arm would fall to the rug beneath with a muffled thud, the gunk of coagulated and obsidian blood sliming from the wound and falling to the ground. Victoria's body would have jerked backward with the impact of the blow but, again, no pain would have been voiced, no surprise, no rage. Just a mindless body, gob opening anew, milky gaze fixing on the features close by. The loss of a limb had another shooting forward, the torso and corpse falling forward, lurching in movement rapid and sudden with the fall of the frame. It sought to sink teeth in flesh, arteries. To have the sweet, slick crimson course and flesh be torn. To devour and turn sister into one of the walking deads that now coursed the streets. They were in growing numbers, if one were to listen, outside, from neighborhood, the sounds of
[2014/12/06 17:11] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): fights, screams, mayhem erupted. The world was shifting from its axis and they right in the midst of it. Behind sibling, on the ground, the corpse of the third sister came to knees, came to feet. Stumbling, uneven on its footing with torn calf, it too had gaze voids of peepers, a milky surface that turned to the living ones as a guttural whine escaped from her throat.

[2014/12/06 17:16] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me listened to instructions and body went on automatic again, a computer meant for filing, for putting away information, stored for another time she would need it. Blood? She were covered in it, Fluid? She wasn’t about to tongue her dead sister now was she? It were comical in away, sad in many more ways. The brain? she had to go for the brain? This was starting to sound like the movies Dom liked to make her watch. What were it called? Horror? No. Survival? No. Axe would fall through limb to easily, Fire to wax, knife to butter and Axe would raise again, body stepping to the side as Her darling sister lunged forward, arm lowering in aim of side of head. She had to switch off, Had too or fear from what she were doing to family would mean to much and she would fail. Fall. Be one of them. The outside would were ignored. What mattered were now. Were Dominic. her and the shambling Cadavers that were once her family. ‘’Zombie’’ the word was said in recollection, Of movies Dom so loved and what her family
[2014/12/06 17:16] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): now was. Again Lara was ignored she had to deal with one. She couldn’t stop. Yet.

[2014/12/06 17:32] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): /me "Once bit.. or the body's fluids are taken into your own somehow.. be it through a bite, cut, scrape, ingestion.... then y ou're already dead. From now on, that's one undeniable truth we need to live by.. In the end, a corpse is a corpse, no matter who they were when they were alive. We don't love corpses.... we merely deal with them in whatever fashion that's needed... burn them, bury them, rip them apart....." rape them came to mind, yet even he knew there was a certain line that would be considered going 'too far'. He watched as her blade zipped through the air and continued... "Don't get the blade stuck in the cranium.... Yank it back, and don't stop until their brain is crushed... or their head is completely severed from the rest of their body.... both of them," He'd again, command, full well knowing what it meant for Lara to be also the target of that command.

[2014/12/06 17:38] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me Dominic were as if a prophet for, blade that lodged in cranium, had decrepit frame upon a leash as the axe moved would have the frame move along with it. The snarling zombie, for that were what the frame was now, would have side of cranium perforated, dug upon, blade lodged firmly in bone and flesh. Of grey matters however there remains, enough so that the monster remained alive even if impaired in movement. Hunched from the axe in cranium, limbs swayed, attempted to grip but the gunk of blood that flew from wound cascaded enough to show seriousness of wound. One more blow, one more fracture, likely would have cranium and brain exploded in impact, scatter its slime across aground. It would be none too soon for Lara, sweet sister of hers, came stumbling forward, attracted by motion, by scents, by flesh. Not as rapid, impaired by loss of calf, the corpse trudged forward, its empty stare howling its plight just like the rasps from throat. Grabby hands sought frames, limbs, too far still, wanting to join
[2014/12/06 17:38] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): siblings in last, deadly game they would ever play together.

[2014/12/06 17:42] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident): /me still instructions were filed away, placed in box for information to be called upon. Ingestion, Cut, Bite.. Fuck this was not going to be fun. Was it just her family? Who Started it if not? All questions that needed to be answered. Had to be. Fuck the Axe was stuck. She wrenched it back Trying to pull blade from body and send the Flailing Cadaver to the side away from her in the same motion. If body indeed became loose from Axe grip would be tightened around wood to sent it toward cranium again. Lara? And Lara? Shit, Was she going to do it in time? Why couldn’t he just help, she wasn’t a fighter, she always hid. Why why why why why? ‘’Fuck!’’ the yell was made in utter agitation as gaze tried to keep both frames of Zombie Vicky and Lara in her sight ‘Just’ in case. ''Help me'' The plea was made to Dominic not because she were giving up, rather time, they needed it, they had to leave before cops or worse turned up. They needed things, Emmy had but a satchel on her side and the axe he had

[2014/12/06 17:52] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar): /me He wanted it to be done by her hands. There were plenty of reasons he'd wanted that to happen... and yet for now that wouldn't be the case. The second her mouth opened and a plea for help rang out, it was as if it were his own body's turn to go on auto pilot. He didn't even think.. He lunged forward as his hand pulled a philips screw driver out from the side of his backpack.... and put his full weight into ramming into the body of Vicky that was already entangled with Emmy thanks to that axe lodged in it's skull.... just so he could try to use the momentum and size to send the body stumbling back into Lara.... and yet that sudden Rugsby tackle didn't stop.. The tool in hand was raised and thrusted forward, directly towards the eye socket of Lara, in attempt to lodge itself directly into her brain to take advantage of the sudden rush of movement, while their attentions were focused on the sounds Emmy's struggle had been making.

[2014/12/06 18:03] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): /me The thrust of the axe would have had the decaying corpse stumble to side like hoped, the blade coming unlodged with a sickening tear from bone and grey matter. The corpse would snarl, wanting its flesh, wanting its blood, wanting... but wants would have been halted short. The axe found cranium in second blow and the grey matter was sliced through, torn into. Cranium and bones exploded, head becoming mess of hair and flesh as the juices of flesh and brain taint and gush out of wound. No sooner had dead truly joined with Death that the lifeless body would have been tackled, sent barreling, flying into the stumbling corpse of sibling. The duo were locked in one last embrace by the momentum of weight of Dom's tackle before, Lara, sweet, youngest, honey haired angel had socket, skull and all that stood in way pierced by the extent of screwdriver, blade piercing all throughout in midst of those very same locks of hair. The rotting brains leaked and sludged as the corpses would fall to ground if not gripped
[2014/12/06 18:03] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes): upon, limbs at all the wrong angles, sacks of dead meats that have should never been revived again. Upon ground, the three forms were together, united, and, just like that, all members of family were gone. How long had gone by? Hours? Minutes? How long had it taken for the world to utterly change? For the unease that had reigned for weeks to finally explode, alike wound overflowing with pus and covering all around with its viscosity.

[18:09] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident) hadn’t meant for Dominic to Tackle The siblings, thought he would lift axe and help decapitate so as Vicky were pulled from grasp in the lifeless tackle a yell escaped her, fearing teeth would find his arm, chest…It were not until Screwdriver Sickeningly thudded against skull and she heard yet more thick liquid spray everywhere did frame totally freeze. As if computer stuck whilst working through a bug. Finally she moved running forward to pull Dominic away, axe dropped to floor as hands searched over body, under clothing, checking, he were real. Dark Blue eyes finding his, checking for mirrored gaze she had seen in siblings and tears refused to stop falling. She were scared. She were confused. She were alive. But for how much longer? She couldn’t bare to look at family, she couldn’t. memory needed to be preserved at least for moments longer.

[18:21] Dominic 'Angelo' Annaloro (Iria Ansar) Initially, he figured it'd be a good idea to remove the screw driver from her sister's eye socket..... a good screw driver wasn't something they should just toss away.... yet there was also something awkward about carrying around the tool he used to screw her sister's eye socket with... No.... he'd make sure to mistakenly neglect to remove it... instead occupying his arms with the lil trembling blonde that began to frantically check to see if he had a pulse or not. Insteadly he reached out to wrap her shivering body into his arms... all the while he felt as if a large weight was lifted from his shoulders, seeing her alive.... "We need to move. Already gathered some supplies.... but we need more...." That, and they needed to see who else was alive. The list was small for those they cared about... yet those they cared about, he'd hope, could manage to take care of themselves even in a situation like this... although leave it to him to not fully trust in them 'that' much.... he was almost afraid Esme would

[18:25] Esmeralda (Esmeralda Siamendes) On the ground, the pile of deads remained unmoving. A statement that would have seem ludicrous but a few hours ago. But rules had changed now. Deads were no longer entirely dead. In those ones however, life had been truly been taken, remaining in a pile of polluted, coagulating decay. Outside, the world continued its descent into the pits of hell and, for the first time, or perhaps for the first time heard, shots would echo, loud and piercing, screams and... chaos. Complete chaos. How long would it take for civilization to lose its sheen and for all to return to the animals they truly were?

[18:28] Emmy 'Candy' Moretti (Nonois Resident) felt the hug and this time fell into it, Eyes closing as she tried to take herself away from the bloodied room, her family room. They needed to move? the rumbling voice vibrated through her core in the embrace and she would nod her head in agreement. ‘’We need to move’’ she said finally. Breaking embrace to look down at the ground, trying not to see the mutilated bodies of her loved ones. She crouched in pool f blood to pick up broken frame, shaking glass from it she would pull the piece of paper with her photograph in from the frame and fold it up to push into her satchel. Hands then moving to discarded axe. In the silence she could hear the chaos and in the back of her mind she knew: this would not be easy. Dirtied hands would reach out to cling to Dominic’s and she would pull trying to get out of the room as quickly as possible. Though with Dom by her side she might have a chance to make it.

December 7, 2014 at 3:05 am
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Nonois Resident


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December 7, 2014 at 2:42 pm
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