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Proposal – Arklay Raid & Rescue

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals Proposal – Arklay Raid & Rescue

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Dale Madden - Syn Wytchwood syn wytchwood 7 years, 5 months ago.

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Profile photo of Dale Madden - Syn Wytchwood

syn wytchwood


Arklay Raid & Rescue
By meridiaan luckless

FOUNDING MEMBERS: Meridiaan Luckless, Dollymayhem Resident

OVERVIEW: Citizens of Arkley have long depended upon the hard working men and women of the Watchment and AEGIS security solutions to see to their safety and paramilitary needs. However, in recent times and due to the nature of their work; both have slowed their movement in town drastically. As a result, many local businesses have begun banding together into small and unorganized groups to set out and raid for supplies their businesses need. The casualties have been extensive, cost many resources, and left three steps behind the two step stride they'd made. I'd like to propose, and lead, a group of individuals who can participate in RP training events, hone their skills, and become a new vertebrae in the back-bone of birthing civility within Arkley. The Arkley Raid & Rescue's mission would be to provide skilled escort teams into dangerous environments to aid citizens gathering needs, or attempting to extract persons from dangerous situations. Operatives would train to perform well in such scenarios. This faction is /not/ intended to be a gang, per say. Operatives would (hopefully) learn basic medical procedures within AES, qualifying as basic combat medics. They'd be trained to deal with the dead, defensive protocols, adhere to strict ROE (rules of engagement), and would receive compensation for their services within the community. Emergency supply runs? Emergency extractions?? Look no further than Raid and Rescue.

POTENTIAL ENEMY: Potential allies: AES, Watchmen, Dixons, and more..

EXPERIENCE:Personally, I have a background within the US Armed Forces RL;SL, I've been role playing since 2006, have lead groups within several different sims from DCS, CCS, GM, to more Fantasy, scifi, and apoc styled roleplays. My characters have broad range of variety, I enjoy having wildly different experiences and playing with as many folks as I can. I have a very hands on, laid back, and welcoming style of leadership, and love to inspire further role-play for myself and players around me.

IDEAS:Presently, I have no band, so players I've engaged on sim tends to be OOC in the beginning, if I can tell they're /very/ new, I typically ask if there's anything I can help with. ICly, I've taken some characters into my property as a "shelter" sort of thing, and role-play with whoever I can. My character is light-hearted fun and always hungry, as I'm sure the entire sim has gotten to know already. He does have his business side, that said, and I'd like the proper place to put that to work.

We all have demons, I just choose to embrace mine.

September 12, 2017 at 5:35 pm
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September 12, 2017 at 5:50 pm
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September 12, 2017 at 7:33 pm
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harlow heartsong


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"I'll show you another dream the next night"

September 12, 2017 at 9:07 pm
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page eames


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September 13, 2017 at 8:04 am
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page eames


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September 13, 2017 at 8:17 am
Profile photo of Dale Madden - Syn Wytchwood

syn wytchwood


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We all have demons, I just choose to embrace mine.

September 18, 2017 at 11:23 am
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