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Proposal – ATC

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Profile photo of Dale Madden - Syn Wytchwood

syn wytchwood


Arklay Trading Company
By Tah Crazyboi

OVERVIEW: I would reestablish many of the former roleplay standards for the ATC, such as supply lines to the mainland and fishing routes to bring in food. Tah has always been a 'lead by example' type, doing his own fishing and trading right with the other workers. With the bridge out we'd have opportunities opening for us to provide transportation to other groups, as well as bringing the larger objects from the mainland that might not fit onto smaller boats. ATC once also had established trading routes with other NPC'd colonies. I would love to see that happen again ICly, too. - New employees would be given information and introductions on which to build their own trade and roleplay, while the ATC provided them a safe place to do so, and the backup to allow them to get their footing while they settle in. (Transport) With the bridge destroyed, mainland runs are being forced to be conducted by boat.. this means being ferried across the water and walking inland, or rowing across yourself. This also means new vehicles and large objects such as generators or building supplies would be extremely difficult to get across. (So even if you sail across, you're still walking inland and back.) The ATC has vessels large enough to transport small vehicles, but these would need to be maintained, providing RP to Dixons. Our boats could also be used by the Raid and Rescue folks if ever needed, and I could certainly see some collaboration between the groups down the road. (Fishing) With the bridge gone, new animals won't be coming onto Arklay either.. and with winter fast approaching, food will become scarce unless scavenged or preserved. ATC under Tah established fishing routes.. these didn't exist before his time as Captain. ATC would continue selling food, and has been building a smoker over the past week, and experimenting with ways of drying/preserving fish most effectively. This provides a stable nutritional source of food to balance out all the red meat Arklay has been consuming, and to continue feeding us when the furry animals are gone. (Trade) While other businesses in Arklay may provide runs to the island or may search out specific goods on request, the ATC has always been the backbone of the island's logistics. Most supplies that come in would have been brought by the ATC over time in a continuous flow, though I could see how roleplay and a lack of activity would have seen this become unrealistic.. I would plan to reestablish these supply lines, and rather than competing with Arklay businesses that provide the more specific needs, the ATC would return to trading with "Other settlements" on the coast as roleplay for these supplies, not -just- scavenging. (Many of these things were already established in RP long ago.) (Jobs) The Trading Company has always put survival and profit above agendas and disputes, thus providing folks a safe environment to buy and sell their wares or wares belonging specifically to the company. The ATC supplies it's traders and expects a portion of the sale proceeds, but also pays hourly for working at the store itself, and encourages traders to establish their own ties and connections for the sake of the Company. This keeps it easier to maintain functional relationships with multiple factions on Arklay which may be at-odds with each other, whist maintaining our profiteering neutrality. (Guns) The ATC has always been the main supplier of assault weapons on Arklay, thus allowing either sides of disputes access to the weapons for the right price. This helps keep big group-vs-group roleplays from becoming too one-sided based on OOC commodity access. However, due to other groups having appeared, I could understand this needing to be changed to something else. (Safety) Because profit is king, and the dead cannot profit, the ATC has always defended it's own with severe and intense responses to threats. While staying out of the grudges on the island, the ATC allows it's members to freely choose their own friends and enemies, and do as they please, so long as their actions do not cut into profits or jeopardize the safety of the Company. We don't shit where we eat...

EXPERIENCE: I have been in Second life since 2006. I've owned/co-owned/admined multiple sims and groups over nearly a decade. I've run bounty-hunting guilds, trading corporations, street gangs, and military units that each involved elements crucial to a Trading Company structured as outlined in this proposal. I also ran the Arklay Trading Company from 2015/09/24 to 2016/02/17. To list the relevant ones: ---------------------IC/RP----------------- MODERN/APOCALYPTIC/TRADE GROUPS "DCC Paramilitary" (Sergeant) Devils Crack Canyon "The Rejects" (Officer/ Sgt@Arms) Crack Den "The Aces" (Soldier) Crack Den. "El Miedo" (Soldier) Perdition "The Marshals" (Founder/Chief) The City of Fairview- Fissure. "Sullivan's Financial Investments" (CEO) City of Concord "B&C Trading Company" (Founder) SWRP "D-13 PD" (Chief of Police) - District 13 "CCPD" (Captain) - City of Concord "HPD" (Officer) - Crack Den "ATC" (Captain/Lead) Outbreak "SSCO" (Sergeant of Investigations/Training Officer) - World of Soap/Missing Mile "The Keepers" - Outbreak ---------------------OOC----------------- MODERN/APOCALYPTIC ROLEPLAY SIMS City of Concord - Admin District 13 - Admin City of Crazydale - Owner The Safehouse - Owner City of Valruna - Admin City of Fissure - Co-Owner Fairbanks - Admin City of Eden - Admin/Owner

We all have demons, I just choose to embrace mine.

October 7, 2017 at 5:57 am
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it's a crazy, dangerous world out there. It also holds beauty beyond compare... don't dream it, live it, if you dare...

October 7, 2017 at 11:05 am
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October 7, 2017 at 11:09 am
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October 7, 2017 at 11:39 am
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October 7, 2017 at 2:40 pm
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October 7, 2017 at 3:22 pm
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"I'll show you another dream the next night"

October 7, 2017 at 3:52 pm
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October 7, 2017 at 5:09 pm
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Too kawaii to die

October 8, 2017 at 2:31 am
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October 8, 2017 at 9:47 am
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