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Rotten Flesh and You

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Rotten Flesh and You

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Benjamin Weber geoffrey welders 7 years, 3 months ago.

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Profile photo of Benjamin Weber

geoffrey welders


There has been much question into the effects of Rotten Flesh when used on sim. Utilizing our cannon resources from the website, and effects upon the HUD, we have come to the following conclusion.

Consumption of Rotten Flesh does not benefit one's wellness. Use will degrade one's wellness, and habitual use may very well see it depleted. As wellness works, we can construe this to mean the consumption of rotten flesh leaves one prone to disease and failure to successfully scavenge, hunt, and land attacks. This is in line with the effects of decreased wellness.

Rotten flesh also sustains hunger, as it may be consumed. Consumption of raw rotten flesh does not guarantee infection, but it is risky. The infection has trouble surviving through the acids of the gestational tract. If there is injury in the tract, one may be infected. Cooking or drying out rotten flesh will eliminate the threat of infection.

Infection by the consumption of rotten flesh is determined by the player's discretion. Please review the Infection Guide and apply to be infected, if you wish your character to be turned by this method.

For recreational drug use, rotten flesh may also be consumed. It may be a powerful drug with a lingering high. Judging upon the debilitating effects it has on wellness, it is not a performance enhancing drug. Rotten flesh will not make its users stronger, faster, nor more durable against injury nor pain. Users of rotten flesh may find their mind in an altered state. They may become dizzy, irritable, light headed, or hallucinate. Physically they may be feverish and sweat. Effects can become so great that the user may blackout.

November 25, 2017 at 5:29 pm
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