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Scavenging and Looting material…

Home Forums Feedback & Suggestions Scavenging and Looting material…

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of John Thomas Barnaby chaves shu 8 years, 1 month ago.

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Profile photo of John Thomas Barnaby

chaves shu


Greetings Comrades,

I would love to see more scavenging and loot able stuff, with of course the ability instead of having to wait for 4 hours before the next scavenge, you'd get to scavenge only 5 items per two hours with this, making the chance to get something 45% of luck to find useful goods such as (Ammunition, weapon parts or food etc). This means that even if you scavenge allot, you may find allot at one time, but you can also find yourself empty handed.

Some other things I'd like to implement, and explained below, are new items in the cycle under food, usable-items and trade-able items with as following:


  • Batteries; Vehicle sized or smaller a.i for torches/flashlights
  • Cloth, torn or worn clothes; Hats, goggles (rare), jackets, jeans, socks gloves, Helmets (rare), Boots (Survival, military (rare), sports/hiking
  • Build kits; an item used to build new tools, weapon parts, trade-able at a garage or used to build structural things for shop-keepers or home-owners
  • Electrical wiring; To be able to trade or as sell-ware equal depended on amount 50-100$
  • Repair kits; Repair ability of broken down generators or other modules in similar categories
  • Weapon magazines; As it says, these are just the magazines from rifles, they come empty, but maybe found rarely with a couple rounds in them, these could also be traded or sold to shop-keepers
  • Scrap Metal; Used for building repair or build small objects, may be used for Garage or Shop-keepers that require items to be build over a long time RP period
  • Scrap/Fire Wood; Used for as it says, fires, people can harvest trees, old crates furniture or other things in to scrap wood and/or turn these in to fire-wood to either sell from their shops or use as trade-ware, if not use them their selves to light up fire-places or to create a fire.
  • Log Piles & Tree-barks;  With what I had in mind for later on, if we get more businesses, Log piles or Trees could be a source for logs which can be turned in to fire-wood or building material, these may also be able to sold separately to individuals whom need fire-wood for their homes or shops. Or those who are interested in selling these to already existing businesses around Arklay.



Added to that, why not make more objects loot able? I had the following in mind:

Vehicle wrecks: Giving the ability to find cloth or worn clothing bits in their glove-boxes and other stowage compartments, offering people who have a clothing repair shop to hand their trade-ware to them to be able to RP receiving fully made clothes or getting clothes fixed. Vehicles may also contain useful goods like a quick snack candy bar, electrical wiring*, build-kit** or even a med-kit.

* Electrical wiring may be used as an item to trade in, copper for example could be used as money ware, equal as let's say 50 to a 100$.

** Build-kits can be used for people that build weapons, engine parts or fix things. This item might also be traded or sold at the Garage or anyone whom maintains a weapon-repair or sales point.

Non-used Buildings; Loot able cabinets, wardrobes, fridges or display stands that contain baskets or crates whom are loot able. These may contain tiny items such as the above named Build-kit, Electrical wiring, cloth-parts/clothes, Canned food, med-kit (rare) or a water bottle (rare)

Fishing/Hunting- Traps; All though not directly looting or scavenging, it might be useful for those who want to look more serious in to hunting, people who own a business that sell food-items. should be able to get a hand on hunting-traps. Although i have personally not really gone deep in to this one, I  may like some suggestions to those whom may see something fit to this. As well this could make areas like the harbor or the beach more interesting.


The region Fever has plenty of open and unused warehouse, market and even a motel, why don't we make these places usable for looting and scavenging?


(Edited to fix some spelling mistakes... On 1-21-17)

  • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Profile photo of John Thomas Barnaby chaves shu.
  • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Profile photo of John Thomas Barnaby chaves shu.

Проект БЕАP, Operative - Arklay Deployment

January 20, 2017 at 6:55 pm
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