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Su Pointe: The Movie Star, And The Rest…

Home Forums Introductions Su Pointe: The Movie Star, And The Rest…

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Before the Outbreak, Su was a singer/dancer/actress living in Los Angeles. Having performed in Broadway and touring productions of stage musicals, and appeared on TV in episodes of Law and Order: SVU, Blue Bloods, a couple of CW series, and the SyFy original movies Volcanado and Volcanado 2: Hurricano, she finally scored her big break playing Diamondback in the fourth Marvel Captain America movie, Captain America: Serpent Society.  She subsequently won the role of Honor Harrington in the planned "Honorverse" franchise. Having finally found mainstream success, her dreams of stardom were dashed by world events.  She had just begun filming of On Basilisk Station when the pandemic struck

Slow to react to the outbreak, she was in a dance class when things in Los Angeles finally reached their breaking point.  After being carjacked and locked in her trunk as she attempted to evacuate L.A., she managed to escape by kicking in the rear of the back seat of her car after the carjacker was killed. She met up with a band of other survivors, and they were able to eke out an existence, at least for a while. As the group was gradually whittled down by raiders and the infected, Su was eventually the only one left. She wandered about until finding the bridge to Arklay Island, and what she hoped was a better chance at survival.

Though there are some who still recognize her from her days as a minor movie star, she has largely become just another pretty face without much in the way of valuable skills to offer the community.  She's taken up pole dancing at Coach's to make ends meet, though her old habits and desire to create art and beauty often clash with her boss's needs for some simple skin and sex appeal to attract patrons to the pub.  Whether she will ever find an true outlet for her talent and creativity, or will find the skills to make her a more useful member of the struggling society of Arklay, remains to be seen.


May 8, 2016 at 7:16 am
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