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Home Forums Introductions Tekisui

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of InactiveUser InactiveUser 10 years, 1 month ago.

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Tekisui lost his family early in the zombie uprising: Both parents and an elder brother. From that point on, he progressed on his own as much as possible, not overly fond of relying on the hospitality of others. The moral compass of civilization seemed to be shifting, or rather, diminishing. The young male was astutely aware of what desperation led towards. Having survived predominately on a disposition towards seclusion, he makes very little attempt to seek out other survivors, predominately down to fear. His skills in combat appear to be minimal. He has no training in fire arms or melee weaponry. In one word, his journey so far can be reduced down to ‘luck.’

Born in the United Kingdom, England, Tekisui and his family had taken a trip to California when the outbreak had occurred, rendering him incapable of returning to his home. Unfortunately, the residency at which they were staying was hit hard and consequentially his family never made it out. Somehow, the young male managed to evade the undead, but in many respects, he wish he hadn’t, he wish he had perished with his loved ones.

[[ Work in progress, subject to  potential amendments. ]]

January 24, 2015 at 12:38 pm
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