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The Collins Sisters: Triana Collins

Home Forums Introductions The Collins Sisters: Triana Collins

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of tihika1 Resident tihika1 Resident 9 years, 5 months ago.

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tihika1 Resident


You won't hear from us very often. We're like the shadows, us Collins sisters, blending in, whenever and wherever we can, taking only what we need. Expect maybe Rhea. That girl always had a bleeding heart.

I am Triana Collins. Elder sister to Anastasia Collins, younger sister to Rhea Rexx Collins.

When I was three years old, I received a new name: YG525Q. Subject YG525Q. I was a voluntarily-donated test subject for a new surgical method.

They were looking for a faster, better treatment to brain cancer. Instead, they found a treatment for the better side of humanity.

Anytime you go into a lab, especially as a test subject, they'll assure that all of their experiments are humane. 100% safe. <i>Virtually tested</i>. These are lies. If you hear any of these things, immediately proceed to shooting down everyone around and getting the hell out of there.

Lobotomies are not virtually tested. Releasing a somewhat handicapped five-year-old into the wild is not safe. Taking away her ability to feel, taking away any hope of love or kindness or general goodness, ripping her away from her family and turning her into an unfeeling monster is not humane.

Don't bother pitying me, because there are times when being the monster I am comes in handy. I can't experience guilt, so killing is more a physical exercise than an unforgivable act. I don't know love, so I can break emotional bonds easily. In fact, the only strong bonds I have are with Rhea and Anastasia. That's it. My parents are dead, have been for a while. I was raised by the forest, and one can't really love the forest.

But I'll never forget what happened to me when I was surrounded by sterile, white walls and hellspawn in labcoats that called itself 'scientists'. And one day, I'll go back, and I'll show them what they made. One day, they'll be the test subjects and not I.

That's all I have to say for now. Yes, there's lots more to my history, lots more that happened in the fifteen years between my "escape" into the wild and my arrival at Arklay, the closest place to my old home, and my discovery that Rhea was alive, and that I had another sister. But that's all irrelevant. This is all you need to know.

Signing off,

Subject YG525Q

June 30, 2015 at 4:55 pm
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