Just after the new year, the Crew rolled past the roadblocks on the bridge and into Arkley.
For the past few weeks, anyone who's ventured outside the protected zone and into the Fringe, may have seen activity in and around the old Stop N Go beyond the hospital. People are hanging around, or coming and going, and at night fire from barrels have lit the inside of the building up.
Those curious enough, or reckless enough, to wander closer and approach the men usually stationed by the front door may have been asked if they were there for business, and if not, kindly (or not) been asked to take a hike. If asked what kind of business it might be, the men would laugh and inform that right now they have both meth and blow, but if the visitor want samples, they better wait until the boss is back.
The back entrance by the loading bay and its broken roll-up door, having sat open for so long, is now closed and padlocked, and the only way in is through the front doors.