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Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink?

Home Forums General Discussion Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Silvy Dean Silvy Dean 8 years, 4 months ago.

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Profile photo of Silvy Dean

Silvy Dean


Where can you buy/get water?

There should be signs in most places you can buy water. IC feel free to ask people where to get water or food or other supplies. OOC- I will give you information.

The Eights, The garage, The bar, the diner, the ATC, the hospital, the dollhouse and even the hardware store. <-- these are all places that have their own prices $$ on water. One place might sell for 20 while another might sell for 50 per bottle. Explore, RP and find out where you can get a better deal with your money.

Some places will RP trade for non-physical or other HUD items. Please keep in mind: You can trade with food, pills, medical supplies, ammo, guns and drugs. Not just HUD cash. RP wise.. maybe you have a nice coat? Umbrella? Pair of shades? Something of value to another player in some way shape or what have you.

So if you are in danger (Your HUD in the red and dehydrated) You should also keep in mind good citizens. People willing to "give" you water to help you survive. The hospital will help hydrate you and get you back on your feet. The shelter gives out freebies to new comers and people who attend their weekly meetings for survivors. These are all good ideas and opportunities to RP and spread out.

Or if you get a chance with a rebel, join the rebels and help distribute water to the people of Arklay. There have been characters that joined up with the Rebels simply for that cause alone. You do not have to be a bad person to be a rebel, though in some cases it helps. ;3

Hope this information helps you all.

Fade into darkness, as shadows always do when their light goes away.

October 27, 2016 at 6:01 pm
Profile photo of Silvy Dean

Silvy Dean


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Fade into darkness, as shadows always do when their light goes away.

October 27, 2016 at 6:35 pm
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