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Breathing life back into dead things

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People have disappeared without being seen again. Either by choice or not so much. Sugar and Mike, Serena and Jim..they’ve gone and they won’t come back, we can deal with that. Buffy…I didn’t know her, but I knew of her, sweet girl from what I’m told. Walker got her and I watched Amy take her down. I couldn’t stand to see her like that. All those biters we saw on our way here…they were people at one point I’m sure, but they were no one to me, they were nothing but the monsters they were. And Delphie..well, I only saw her after Therion had already put her down, I didn’t see what she was when she was a souless monster. Seeing Buffy that way, I’m not sure what it did to me..but it did something. Crushed me a little, maybe. Or maybe it made things that much more real, or maybe I’m wrong and I’m so numb to all of this shit that it did nothing to me at all. We covered her with a blanket I got out of Mike and Sugar’s old apartment and Amy dragged her next to the old broken down car in front of the eights. By the time I had a moment to help her bring the body to the dollhouse the blanket and the body were gone. Amy is one tough cookie, and she likes doing shit herself, she had even insisted on taking down Buffy without any help, all I could do was watch and wait for a moment where it seemed like Amy wouldn’t get out of it.

Rest in peace Buffy.

But the eights…that really ugly building that I’m sure were slums back in the day when the world made sense, with it’s secure doors and leaky ceilings, the world hasn’t been shit for THAT long. When everyone left, even Jaise, I have no idea where Jaise went…after the raid, I’ve not seen her since…anyways, when everyone left, this place it started to fall apart. Therion and I made the decision to stay. We cleaned, we protected even when there was no one really to protect, they weren’t around much or they seemed to have their own protection without needing ours.

It was dying…it was empty..the apartments were becoming vacant. Therion and I refused to leave. And now there they are, Eva, Sweets, Sy, Amy, they’re all here now. We’re even getting new people in every day. Brianna and a young man named Yama showed up today, both so eager to work, and the sisters, man thank fuck for those two. They’re so helpful. This place isn’t so dead now. I think this place has a lot of potential, I think this place can be a place where Therion and I can make sense of this life.

There might be life in this old structure yet…