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The Brief Rise And Fall of Babydoll

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She came from nothing, just a lowly NPC who cleaned up after the Madame and the whores at the Dollhouse.

She had been there before them, even cleaning up after Espi until she’d retreated to her shack in the mountains to grow her weed, and was left to serve Buffy and the new girls who turned the place into a whorehouse.

When Amy had brought Buffy’s body back, the former madame’s head full of holes, Babydoll had sensed opportunity.

She watched Shay try and take over as if it was a right, but Babydoll didn’t agree with that, she was sure she could do better.  And she enlisted Declan’s help, putting her trust in him to show Shay the error of her ways.

But things didn’t pan out. A whisper here and a whisper there and Baby’s plan unravelled.

She was confronted by Shay, and her mercenary goon. She was stripped and marched from the Dollhouse, her only home, across the Arklay bridge.  And there on the other side she was stabbed, twice, and hands still bound she was left for dead.

It didn’t take long for the infected to smell the blood.

It took even less time for their teeth to tear at her flesh and tug the skin from her bones.

Her last screams rang out over the mountains, but no-one came to help, and few would miss the invisible girl from The Dollhouse.