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And I didn’t even walk out with any jerky

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My fingers were itching, I kinda really wanted to just leave The Eights for a little bit. I was getting stir crazy. I was standing outside in the courtyard as usually, people were talking about Yama’s truck, I was talking to Declan somewhat. Usual shit really.

Our newest member of the security team showed up, Jovy. She said she was going on a run and following my rule of the buddy system, she asked if anyone wanted to come with her.

Well I jumped all over that, it was just the thing I was looking for, getting to know my new staff while getting out of that courtyard for a bit.

Jovy is from San Fran she told me, we had a good talk while we were walking and trying to find a place to go into. She reminds me more of myself the more I speak to her. We happened upon an abandoned building, seemed like as good a place to rummage as any. It was boarded up but we found out way in anyways.

Couple walkers came at us but nothing we couldn’t handle, I was more bummed about the fact that I got walker blood and brain all over the butt of my crossbow, I didn’t want to waste the bolts. There was a door in the very back, it was locked. Jovy figured there was probably good stuff in there since no one seemed to have tried to get in here yet. She was probably right, so I put my crossbow down and grabbed a plank of wood to try and bust the knob off the door so we could get in.

The door popped open finally and two walkers were in the room. What a stench! It was like those two were air locked in that room, it’s all you could smell was the rotting flesh and dried blood, they came at us. I was holding one of them back while I was trying to reach for my crossbow, I just wanted one of the bolts to stick into his head.

Well, I didn’t reach my crossbow, instead I was met by two more walkers as I was turned around trying to get my bolts, the one I had at arms length trying to claw through my sleeve, but I lost my footing, I tripped and landed backwards onto a pile of rubble.

Incredible pain followed that fall, and the immediate smell of blood accompanied it. I turned only to see a one inch thick copper rod sticking out of my bicep. Seriously? Is this really happening right now?

I using that first walker to block the second one that’s coming at me both of them are clawing at me, fuck am I going to die this way? All this because I hoped that room would have jerky. I really needed that something salty, plus you know…protein.

I yanked my arm away from that rod, there’s more blood now and those walkers can smell it, they’re getting really agressive now, I managed to grab a bolt once I was freed from the rod and stabbed the first one. Using him still, I shoved as hard as I could to get them both off of me, I grabbed my crossbow and shot, even with all the blood loss, I’m still an amazing shot.

Everything went kinda dark after that, I remember Jovy telling me to stay with her and I remember being on her back but that was it.

I woke up in the hospital. I was sort of out of it, I woke up a couple times when I heard people talking, mostly doctors and nurses, and some people visiting other patients in other beds.

When I finally got out of the anesthetic, Jovy was there. Man that girl, we’re going to be thick as thieves I just know it. Sy was there too and Dil and Jovy’s friend DeSean. It was great to see them all. They came to check on me and I was so grateful.

I did sort of expect to see the sisters though, when Eva came to me saying that Amy was missing, I was the first one out there looking for her. I killed Jordan for those sisters, but they were no where to be found. I’m home at the apartment now and I haven’t had any of them come up here to ask how I was. Which I find rather weird. Maybe Declan was right, maybe people are just waiting for me to disappear so they can take over? Maybe that small group was just waiting for me to not wake up…

Therion appeared at the right time. He showed up at the hospital screaming at the security guard looking for me. I asked him to please not leave me in that hospital, it was cold, and Porkins was creepy, I wanted to be in my own bed.

He carried me all the way home.

I’m still in pretty rough shape, but my color is almost completely back. My face is still bruised and cut up and my arm still bleeds if I move it too much. But Jovy and Dil have been great, they found anti biotics and pain meds. Declan’s pain pills were great to have, but there were only 5 and they got used pretty fast.

The pain is incredible…and the darkness in my head, it’s still there…

Yeah it’s still there.