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Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall…until someone shot him down.

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just me and a horse

I am hungry… and I think I am starting to stink. Why have I not eaten or bathed? Oh, that is because I have a theory that the dollhouse’s queen whore is out to hurt people that I love. That kind of stress can get to a person, and even though she is offering baths for the workers of The Eights. How can I go into that disgusting place when my gut says to stay away from her and all of her people?

This all started at the picnic, the one B and her house of Ill Repute set up to show off how their weapons and numbers are more than several of the other groups around Arklay. B was batting her lashes and throwing flirty smiles at Yama and I… lost it. Not entirely, I mean I didn’t kill her like I have others… I mean I just got mouthy and well.. I acted like a jealous girlfriend. Yes I admit it that is what I acted like, and I am ashamed. Not even an hour later, Rex, a person who I thought would become a friend who just so happens to be working for B came by The Eight, he was acting really strange, way to eager to get me alone, when that failed he informed me that Yama was in danger… I could be wrong, I could be, but I don’t think I am. The timing was to crazy, that and the fact that Yama is the kind of guy that makes allies not enemies leaves me to believe that him getting hurt or killed would be my punishment for shooting my mouth off at B.

I finally told him, Amy, and Brianna… Amy and Brianna were quick to jump to the idea of going over and confronting B, which I had to work really hard to talk them out of. Yama, well he treated me like a child… chastised me for not telling him sooner and then basically accused me of having an overactive imagination. Even though that it hurt, I secretly hope that he is right, I would rather be a child with an overactive imagination than a woman who is at risk of losing the only man she has ever loved…  Really happy I dug up my hidden crossbow.