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That moment when your suposedly dead mother shows up wearing less than you…

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Snapshot _ OUTBREAK Survival Roleplay _ Urban Apocalypse - www.


We watched her walk out the door with our dad, months ago never to see or hear from her again and all of a sudden my sister and I are in very… odd… and private moments with our boyfriends and Mama jumps out at Amy with a knife… A FREAKING KNIFE!

She didn’t look like our mother…exactly Amy saw it more than I did… but I can never forget how she always smelt of lavender. It was that smell that made me stop just before cutting her throat. My sweet sister was overwhelmed and fainted, carried off to the room, by Gideon… sweet guy by the way.

So there I stood, with Yama and my very close to naked and tattooed Mama. Yama being a guy was checking her out… I didn’t say anything at the time but it was obvious… I will deal with that later by the way.  My heart knew this woman, but my brain just would not let that in! I reached into my pocket and pulled out the one thing I had left of my Mother… the feathers she had given me when I was a little girl and wanted to run away after my grandmother died… “Feathers of an eagle to always guide you home.” I said those words as I held them up, and they helped to trigger something in her…

Then I find out that not only is my daddy dead, but Mama has a wife now?!?! Are there any therapist available in Arklay? Because my mind and soul is about one hundred kinds of broken … if not more! I am exhausted and this is too much to deal with right now, and I have chores to get done and things to do….so later, Journal.