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The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants

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Yama Drawing

I have never been the kind of girl that mourns… which works out great during the apocalypse, unless you are mourning the living. It feel like a long time since I last saw my boyfriend… when if I really took the time to count the days would only be about eleven, but it feels so much longer because he was gone before that as well. Our last conversation was not a very good one and to make it even worse we never said goodbye. .

Amy, oh my dear sister…. She is never around anymore now that she has gone super slut she is leaving a trail of broken men. She is off with some guy named Corvin, who I understand to be just as bad as Amy.

Gideon left weeks ago, after Amy cheated and broke his heart. If there is ever a mistake I will hold over her head for the rest of her life, leaving a good man like Gideon might be it.

Ringo has been hurt by Amy as well… not that I cared much for Ringo to begin with but no one deserves that crap. He will probably leave too.

Jet seems broken, at times cold. If I leave The Eights it will be because I couldn’t stand to see her turn into an ice queen with an epic crossbow aim.

Brianna seems to want to hurt or kill anyone I don’t like, which is both good and bad… considering my predisposition to liking killing she really isn’t helping me with the withdrawals, but how can she if she doesn’t know about them?

Some of the new people at The Eights are… well lets just say I rather take my chances with the bitters than most of them.

Dil is one of the new people, but he is pretty ok… He brought me corpses to burn, which I enjoyed immensely, hey some girls like flowers, me not so much.

Snapshot_004Nikki is another new person, one whom I like very much, but with the constant threats of her pet fox, Kit, being eaten I don’t see her sticking around much longer.

Speaking of people that want to eat Kit, Lynch is a new guy too…or old guy… well I mean he was here before I showed up but just got back… anyway I don’t like him.

John… is a confusing man, my liking for him was dropping more everyday and when I met his friend… Twyl (or whatever) hate became all I could feel at even the mention of his or her name. That bitch basically called my sister retarded… which I will not tolerate, even I won’t call Amy that.

Brendon is another new guy, but I don’t know anything about him except he thinks he is attractive…. which I do not.

Sy, someone who has been at The Eights for a while, has finally started to actually talk to me… by that I mean she said more than three words while she defended my sister which was amazing.

Milo came back, I see him as a brother… I don’t know why. I just always got that big brother feeling when ever I saw him, which is odd since I think he also wants my sister…

Marcus pops in and out…more out than in though. He isn’t with The Eight’s, he is more like… a wonderer of the area…I guess.

There are others, several but I am to tired to think of them all… and how am I? Well that one is easy, I am a mess. Oh well, I don’t care anymore, and I don’t think anyone should. I might be moving on soon, maybe head back down the state to see if the farm is still livable. Maybe move on to some place new, if I did it would be me alone making the trip. Sister or not apparently I can not compete with a penis… not that I would want to, she made her choice and it is time for me to make mine. Yama isn’t an option, where ever he is… it isn’t with me.

No one is really with me.