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Weeks have gone by, and I’ve finally returned to The Eights.

Why did I come back here? Everything reminds me of him.

We came here together, and now it’s just me. I’m expected to run this place still?


My heart is completely shattered. Why am I still here?

I’ve seen two people since my return. Some dude named Aiden. He muttered something about Nikki being attacked and something about Coach’s being there for The Eights but I had no sweet clue what the fuck he was talking about.

Eva was the other. I know she can tell something isn’t right. I know she can tell..

How do you tell people you barely know that you left to search for things that the residents needed, things that would make living easier, maybe even worth it, and by doing so, I lost the thing that made living worth it.

How do you tell them that?

How do you explain to people that you are simply going through the motions, that you have no real regard or care for what happens to you. That you will litterally let any random person walk up to you, armed or not, because you just don’t give a flying rat’s ass what happens to you now?


Therion sacrificed himself, to make sure I lived.

But why?

Did he not understand that the reason I wanted to live was him? Did he not know that things would be so different for me in this world without him? Did he not know that I wanted to die protecting him?

I don’t think he did.

The Eights are still standing but as far as I know, Nikki got attacked or some shit but she’s fine? I don’t fucking know. Eva told me something about it, and I know there’s a dude named Daemon who’s causing all sorts of shit.

Guess who doesn’t care if Daemon gets her next?

Yeah, you guessed, I didn’t have to tell you.

I’ll still protect these people, I’ll still do what I can for them.

But my heart is gone. It died with Therion. I only have his lighter and the memory of him left now.

Soon, he will be like Delphinia. A distant memory of someone who was something to me.

Soon, people will forget him…