When the world first went to shit, all I could think about was getting home. I had to find Annie, I had to find our parents. I was going to somehow find them all well and alive, and I was going to keep them that way god damned. That dream died quickly, didn’t it? After the mess I found at home, I wasn’t even sure what to do…where to go. So we walked…and walked…and walked some more, until walking was to hard for Annie, and than we kept on walking anyway.
I don’t know what we’ve found here, or if it’s even worth finding, to be honest. From what I’ve seen so far, people are malicious, harmful…basically the same assholes they’ve always. Just…somehow more rough around the edges. Annie believes there’s something left of people. Me? Well I don’t know what to believe anymore, to be honest. I’ve seen a lot in the past months. Pain, death…worse. I’ve seen people stab their friends in the head to put them down, and others steal from people who couldn’t actually do anything to help themselves.
Time will tell, I suppose. If the world is worth fighting for. If society can be rebuilt. If there’s even enough human beings left to fight that particular battle. For now all I care about is keeping my sister safe. It’s the one thing that keeps me going, I guess. I don’t tell her that, but I think that’s it. All I have left, really.