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Oᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 8ᴛʜ, Tʜᴇ Vɪɢɪʟ.

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**Disclaimer: Mi-Hyun’s journal is entirely from her IC perspective, where she deals with her innermost conflicts and emotions. It is where she gets them out. It can be intense and emotional, because that is how Mi-Hyun is under the surface. Keep in mind she has her own trauma and triggers from the world too. None of it is intended to be meant or taken OOC. I like to fully immerse myself into my character and her world, so this is one way to do it. I very much like realistic, deep and detailed RP and storylines. Especially with it’s own drama and multiple layers. Characters and their imperfections.

Mi-Hyun’s Journal is written in an old diary by hand. She often leaves it with her things where ever she stores them. If anyone ever wants to get a hold of it or go through her things, IM me and let me know.

Knowing someone’s innermost thoughts can be a double edged sword though, since her journal does not have the same politeness or sugar coating Mi-Hyun does! It is literally an open book to the world through her eyes. And it is sometimes funny, and sometimes cruel, but it is all Mi-Hyun. The diary also reflects her current state of mind and psychological health, which is something I am keeping track of along with her physical health. I keep track of everything on my characters. It adds a new layer for me to consider her mental health condition along with her physical health condition.**
Oᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 8ᴛʜ, Tʜᴇ Vɪɢɪʟ.
~Scrub the Dollhouse pool.

Scrub the Hospital floor.

Scrub out of scrubs.

Scrub in scrubs.

Wax on.

Wax off.

I don’t even.

Oh well work is work.

And I need the money.

The Vigil was a trap.

It began with candles and bells.

I don’t know much about Christianity, but when I saw Buffy I knew something was off.

But she was on a high horse.

And it was still alive and only had a mildly singed tail.

Then she told us to raise our candles and think of the ones we lost.

Then she went into the sea and uncovered zombies she had hidden there under rocks.

When I saw all the work she had put into the candles, I had thought, maybe there was some good in her.

And then the zombies came. Profaning it. Making a mockery of the ones we lost.

At least they weren’t Deep Ones.

Making us think of them as zombies.

Anger filled me.

Most ran away.

I am alone. With nothing to lose.

Running is only a short term solution.

Zombies are like cancer. They must be excised.

There was another woman with her, talking crazy.

The Zombies didn’t attack either of them.

But they attacked us.

The women encouraged them to attack us. Wanted them to kill us.

There were gunshots on the bridge.

And someone shouting in Japanese.

That’s when you know everything has gone insane.

The fight began, all over.

I faced a little girl zombie and a big fat zombie.

All these fights… I am getting better.

I tricked the fat one into impaling itself on the blockade, using my small size to my advantage rather then letting it use it’s bulk to it’s advantage.

The little girl I kicked down and impaled.

Maybe my machete is still useful.

That girl profaned the ones we lost.

Made a mockery of them with zombies.

Maybe I was wrong. I don’t like fighting other humans.

But she is insane. A monster. I don’t know if she can be saved.

Damn her titties.

After the fight ended I felt sick.

I kept the candle.

I will make a small shrine in my room. And… Pray for them.

I love you so much John… Babies…

Please come back to me…