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Day 1- New Town

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((IC journal of the character Tami)) *a grimy jade green spiral notebook, the front cover sporting a sweet picture of a basset hound puppy; stuck into the spiral back is a common ballpoint pen, the top somewhat chewed; a dirty piece of string wraps twice around the middle, holding it closed*

Day 1
I’m in a town. For the first time in months not passing through one, but actually staying in it. Ok, close to it- I’ve set up a camp just outside their barricaded area. Not stupid enough to sleep in the lion’s den. I had almost given up on finding even a place to rest. Everywhere I went I found violence, vicious people taking what they could and killing those who lingered, or worse.

I was in a bad spot, out of supplies, out of bolts, and it had been raining for days so I couldn’t even boil water to drink. I was so tired and thirsty and hungry I was running on auto. Then this morning or I guess technically last night, I came to this place. As I moved through town looking for something, anything, a strange man suddenly appeared and said the strangest thing. He said hello. He didn’t sneer it, but actually sounded how people used to. Then he chatted- actually CHATTED and introduced himself. And miracles of miracles, he gave me food. Real, fresh, good food. I smiled and thanked him and gulped it down, and when we parted- peacefully! No shooting or chasing!- i found a safe corner and sat down and cried.

After I got myself under control, I went back to looking, and damned if I didn’t meet 2 people in a little pub who let me work for clean water and stew. Twice in just a couple of hours!! That’s when I decided to stay for at least a while.

I found this notebook on my way into this town, and picked it up for the picture. Now I’ll use it as a diary or journal to keep notes of what I learn about this place. It was in an old car, and there was a big, warm sweater in the trunk. I was so grateful, I lost my coat a couple of weeks ago to a feral dog, bastard ripped it off me trying to do the same to my arm. It felt so good to be sort of warm again, though the rain quickly soaked me once I left the car. Still, it’s an improvement. I’m still looking for a waterproof coat.

I heard talk of attacks, murder, saw several injured, but it’s the closest to a real community I’ve run across. Really hoping Rifi catches up to me here, then we’d have a real chance of making it here. i can survive here, me, on my own.