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Keeping a Smile

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Times are tough honestly. As I sit here in this beaten up Sedan, protecting myself from the rain that currently has been pouring down for the last hour, I think to myself just how tough things will continue to be. I feel silly thinking my life before all of this was hard, sitting in classes and listening to the professors drone on and on about their lessons and what they expect of their students, working part-time as a cashier at some run down office supply store, I really feel dumb now.


I would give anything to get my old life back, hell, any of us would. Though like my old man once told me after the girl that I loved turned me down to date my best friend, “Well son, sometimes when you’re feeling down, feeling hurt, you just need to smile. Sure, you still feel like shit but at least people won’t bother you with dumb ass questions”. And he was right, ever since the dead starting eating people, ever since that one fateful day on the UT campus where I had to kill my first girlfriend with my bare hands, I’ve smiled. I’ve laughed. I’ve joked. And while I feel like my insides are dead and something is wanting to burst out, others think I’m alright. They don’t worry about me, I’m just the loveable idiot who wants to help out. And I’m fine if they think of me like that.


And to keep myself from getting depressed, I’ll talk about how today went. It went well enough luckily, found some extra supplies outside of town. Mainly little things like extra toilet paper and some more clothing. Wish it wasn’t raining or I’d already be back into town. Guess I’ll have to end up braving the storm as I rush my way back to Arklay. Hopefully I don’t catch anything.