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Let’s get this party started.

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The town rings mostly silent now the mercs. are gone. The odd trouble maker or zombie comes along and the people mostly fight for themselves. The recruiting goes slow with so many thinking we are just a new version of the past security offices of the APS. How to convince the town we are something new after so many in a chain of let downs through many past that have tried to protect the town. It’s a hard job to get them to have belief in the new.

We call out to all in the town willing to Volunteer and be available to help with the regular protection of the town and people and the irregular situations that come up where we need you to even out the numbers and make our town be successful in protecting itself. We need you for all of us to be successfully protected.

Volunteer Protection Agency located at the old Radio Station. Top of the hill near the fairgrounds.

The office has a much bigger sign now that will hopefully draw some attention. Tucked in the corner of town barely in its limits doesn’t have it walked by very often for people to drop their bits of information that can lead to solving crime by way of the VPS mailbox. Come by, Drop a card or note saying hi I want to help. Help us help you.