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Clairity – Entry Four from The Man in the Mask

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There is a clarity in pain.

A focal point that, at least for a moment, overrides all else.

Fear and the Nothingness have overruled so long, that I suppose there is something like relief to break their power even if only briefly.

It took me  a little while to realize that  it does not always have to be my own pain.

The enormity of what I have become, a twisted and broken thing molded by Tsume, begins to break upon me. That night, when I saw her panic and fear, that is what truly bared that realization to me.

I caused that. Me. In a moment, caught up in the grasp of those two things that predominate and control so very much of me, I horrified and hurt the one person who has meant more to me then my own life.


There is clarity in pain. But I fear that it is not enough. The thing that Tsume has created is so strong, so consuming that perhaps nothing can ever truly stop it, not even pain.

Perhaps, it would be better for it to end.

End the Fear.

End the Nothingness.

End the Pain.