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My new friend…the hospital

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Okay Einstein, you are not going to make it at this rate! Been here how long and ended up in the hospital twice. After I went back to lock the gate I heard movement. I figured it was breakfast. I chased it. Stupid. I don’t know this area yet and I got lost. I haven’t written because I was out there for days. These woods are massive. I’m so lucky. I don’t think I’ll be that lucky again. I found stuff to keep me feed. Really scratched myself up. I’d never been so happy as when I saw that I had hit the city. I crawled into that hospital so thankful, only to be let down when no one was there. Found a bed upstairs and just crashed. I don’t know how long I was out, but a noise woke me. I was scared at first, but these were deliberate steps, not shuffling. It was a nurse! I met Emi and she helped me out. I was right as rain. Went back home ready to take on the world, only to end up at the hospital again the next day. LOL. Get it together girl. I meet Sinthia. She seems odd at times but cool. I owe her a burger! I have the meat. I just need to figure out how to spice it right. I guess the world is now just a large bbq. No more souffles for me unless I learn how to do it on an open flame. I miss my diner. I miss my kitchen at home. The stuff I used to make! Will I ever do that again? How much longer can we last like this. Stop it girl! Just stop. Okay. Enough writing for today. Brock found this journal for me. I guess I owe him a burger too! LOL. I found my new trade…burgers!!! hahaha. Okay silly, back to work. Time to start the day! Until tomorrow.