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Tatties o’wer the side.

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Sykes and Isa

((IC Journal kept with Sykes, If you wanna find it IC, Drop me an IM)) 

Heya Love.

I found a place you’d love. Arklay. Right next to California. It seems almost fitting I am here.  Remember? UC was the last place you were due to speak before the outbreak.

There’s food here. Shelter.. And People. Real. Live. People.

I know, me, excited to be near people is something else.. but after a while. You get lonely. It’s not even conversation you crave but touch. Feeling someone’s breath, their skin.. Their pulse.

This is where you call me a sappy cunt.

I miss you.   People are nice here, to me. Like they don’t know.. I keep waiting for that switch, that needle in the arm, the room of infected.. The trick.

So far? Just BBQ’s and town meetings.

This place is weird.

You’d love it.

You’d like Isa too. 

People of note here, In case you get here.. And I am not.

Sin- Some sort of counsellor. Welcomed me into the hospital, gave me supplies. Decent womanKind.

Keepers- Like, the police I guess? Paul is one I remember.. But the fella with the painted face??

Six- owns the chemist or was it Sin that owned the chemist?  Yea, I know, shit at names as always and I will stay away from the pharmacy.. I don’t need that temptation.

Isa- Nurse.. Pretty, Looks like Alyssa Milano.. Shy as hell though.

Missy- Bath house owner? lass, she’s pregnant. At this time. She’s having a baby. That’s pretty hard to see. Everyone fauns over her, understandably.. But.. I can’t bring myself to speak to her. Not yet.

Theres the chick who owns the garage too.. christ, whats her name? Wants to start her own Biofuel place. She needs people like you lass. Why am I here? Why aren’t you?

Theres more people.. I’ve met loads more.. The Russian man..Rasputin?

I need to write their descriptions down. My memories gone to shit.

When you get here, Go straight to the hospital, Check o’course theres no infected.. but go there.. Speak to someone, get some water.. get a bed. Then go into the town. Keep away from the fringe. Until your settled in.

Get here soon. 

Always yours ,
