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If you’re listening to this I’m probably dead

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-Double wrapped in two ziploc bags, a handheld tape recorder and a dozen or so tapes are kept inside.  In black marker on the surface of the thick plastic baggie is written, “If you’re listening to this I’m probably dead”.   Majority of the tapes are blank, though one is marked ’06/16?’-

-If one were to play the tape, they’d hear a bit of breathing and adjusting for the first minute or so, before a voice broke in.  A confident voice by the sound of it, though a bit gravelly, as if the speaker is trying to keep quiet.-

“I’m sure someone has a calendar, but I don’t.  June, 2016, as best as I can reckon.  Been about a year and a half since the outbreak started.  You know the one, won’t bore you with details.  Right now my compadre and myself came upon this Arklay Island, there’s a community here, well, not so much a community, ragtag group of opportunistic survivors.

Anywho, I’m trying to keep quiet, Miguela’s had a long day and she’s catching some Zs.  If you happen to find these tapes and recorder and she’s still alive, tell her she’s a good egg and can take care of herself.  Tell her Henry says to smile more.”

-The unmistakable sound of a water bottle being drunk from.-

“Supplies are pretty good, found a spot to pitch camp, fairly secure.  Any biters come over the mountain they’re gonna explode when they fall off it.  I think Miguela’s gonna do good at the hospital here, not quite sure where to throw myself yet.

Went scavenging, it didn’t go well.

Had to kill a girl.  I didn’t like it.  She beaned me up pretty good with a bat though, got one of my fellows too, busted her arm up pretty bad, but we all got back safe.

Not quite sure what to do with myself.  Outside it was easier, just survival.  Trap, hunt, kill biters, avoid people…now though, I don’t know.  Don’t even know why I’m talking into this thing.

Notes, find a library, need phone books, agriculture books…saw a documentary on making biodiesel from fat.  Lots of people hunting and killing game, might be able to make use of this.

Alternative energy sources.  Solar and wind, hot enough, and some turbines on the hills would produce some juice.  Also, wind mills?  Soil’s rich, could grow grain possibly.  Stray biters for fertilizer?  Interesting.  The rate they come in, with a back ho I could sow a field with biter corpses in a week or two.

Medical supplies are needed at the hospital.  Pharmacies, clinics, and hospitals are all but done.  Obvious picker choices.  But there’s still alternative sources.  Head shops, apothecaries, even manufacturers of medicines.  Hell of a trek to a Pfizer plant, but it would certainly be worth it.

Need a boat.  Easiest transport to and from the island.  Something with a motor would be best.

Guns and ammo.  Seems to be plenty of them around the island, but they’re costly.  Might be able to pull some favors.

A vehicle would be grand.

Well, nothing for a few days at least, still pretty banged up, got some feeling back in my fingers though, pins and needles.  Miguela patched me up, did a good job of it.

Gonna get some rest.