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The Sweetness of Devils

Posted by

Caged Monster

((I love to write, though i’m not very good at it, but enjoy nonetheless))

Second Journal Entry..Day.. uh..i dunno..Day whatever?

Its been a little over a week since I’ve been here, I was so eager to get out of there, I couldn’t trust the people there, so I did the idiot thing and went to gather supplies with no weapon, thinking ‘the faster the better’. that sort of thinking can be bad at certain situations, and in this case it was pretty bad and the result of that I got a sprained ankle. I was pissed off at first, when Dr. Simon told me to keep off my feet for five or more days, so pissed I almost well…I DID make a scene in front of strangers, strangers that I never seen, strangers that can slit my throat in the night…

There I go..being paranoid again, but then again…look at the world we live in…these passed few days I’ve done a lot of sit ups to try and keep in shape, since I have to sit around all day, might as well get the most of it, I also did a lot of thinking…This place isn’t really as bad as I thought it would be, the woman here are nice, some a little TOO nice than most…but I don’t find her a threat, others…Not so much…Like this red headed bitch named Honey from a few days ago…with her nose sticking up in the air, stubborn as a mule for not wanting to go to the hospital, and one hell of a grip too. I still laugh at that moment, laugh so hard tears escapes my eyes, her crimson hair, bitchy attitude..couldn’t help myself, I miss that atmosphere, of course its terrifying from a man, but from a woman…its comforting in a way..its strange… Peaches and Kali are the same way too, Even though I’ve briefly met Peaches, she had this vibe around her, very loving..something hard to find these days, while Kali is a whole other story, the owner of the Coach Bar. she this vibe of authority around her…as if to say ‘Don’t you dare start shit cause I will end it’. Despite that though, she gave me a job to help her out filling the water bottles, It could be because I was still somewhat high from the joint she gave me, or because I had something to do, but it felt….Nice..

So many women in this town, so much to say to each one of them….of course a small handful of men were a help to me, Dakoda comes to mind, even though he butted into my business with the doctor that evening…But…

No…i’m letting my guard down…They can’t be trusted…These hands of mine….

Today was my first day working in the Hardware store, where I met a guy named Mort. he seems like the kind of guy that would try and sell you knock off Rolexes in a dark alley…I should watch out for him. And theres Cobb, who reminded me who I am, and where I was…I was trying to birder some bottles water to him, seeing how he needed the water and I needed the money, however… the words that he said…Stabbed me in the chest like a knife…

‘Sweet Lil Angel…’

Where did that come from? I was a total bitch to him and he tells me this? I think back to my past, as if I was mentally trying to search for the sweetness in me , all the way to my childhood, like I was scanning through a book for a specific part…

But the only page that stood out to me was painted in red…that man…the week when it all started…All I remember is the color red, the pain, the callous hands on me, crawling on my skin like it was a parasite…If there was a day my ‘sweetness’ was would have been that day…the ‘Angel’ in me had her wings plucked…What would the angel Lucifer say seeing this eh? heh….There are no angels here, not any more…

When I got back to the hospital I heard Dakoda talking to someone, I couldn’t tell exactly what they were saying, but it sounded like they were talking about a person, then I’ve heard the mention of a ‘Keeper’ and have them ‘informed’…More than likely they were not talking about me, in fact, I can bet money on it…But after today, a thought came through to me…What if one night they come into the room I’ve been in, these people, these ‘Keepers’ , what if they press a blade against my neck and cut my throat…What if they come in and…

These people…Are still strangers to me, yes some are sweet and kind, faces of angels…But he was kind and angelic too…They are all devils wearing a mask, the devils who hide into the shadows, I’ve stayed there for too long, I had to leave, who knows what they would have done to me once there false halos have fallen…So I packed up my things and left, my ankle was well enough for light traveling, I would sleep somewhere in the city and start a new game plan.

I heard them…the moans, the growls, when I turned to my right I saw it, a jail that said ‘The Wicked Will Pay’ and there were two caged that appeared to be a child, while the other…I stared at him, took a good hard look, drank him in as he came running towards me and starts rattling the fences of his cage…

He reminded me of him, his dead white eyes, cold and lifeless, His decaying teeth, reminded me of his sickening grin, his face…My skin started to crawl, not for the Devil in front of my eyes, but for the devil with the beating heart that hurt me…I’m laying on the roof top of the very jail that those devils remain..reminding me of whats out there, People say that society ended when the devils of hell came, the infected…But no..Society never ended its still here, with all the killers, thieves, rapists, molesters, people with no souls roaming around.Plucking the feathers of the remaining angels, the real devils compared to these creatures in this cage….No..Society hasn’t gone to hell, it was always there…theres just no one left alive to frown upon it..