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Remember that? Star Trek, and other stupid ass things we took for granted? Okay, that’s  ridiculous, I basically just asked myself a question. Excuse me while I beat my head against the wall in my obvious psychotic break. Anyway, it’s time again to write something out. Jot down my emotions, my feelings, blahblah mushy crap blahblah.


I found myself sitting around the apartment recently, staring at the walls, wondering what to do. I’m starting to feel like I’m relaxing here, and that is not a good thing. As much as everyone keeps repeating to me that there is safety, it is not ever safe. This being said, I’ve noticed things about the town that just seem off. For one, the world ends, and we have law and order? Who appointed the gi joes to be the towns protectors? I know I wasn’t here, but was there some kind of vote to be ruled over by some big dudes with way to much damn fire power? For that matter, I heard something about a council in the pub a few days ago. I couldn’t get much information, but does that mean the whole town is at the mercy of like a few people to make their every decision? Holy crap, did I leave the world and land on some weird ass planet?


We need to evolve, but people just can’t see that. The world is eating itself alive, people are raping, murdering, and stealing just for every day survival. It is no longer survival of the fittest, but survival of the craziest, the most extreme, the most creative. There is nothing creative about sitting around here playing house like there aren’t dead things standing around every single corner ready to eat our faces off. I mean, sure, get comfortable, make your life. I’m not saying give it all up and just stop living, but don’t stop believing in the boogy man. Just because things are semi-controlled in this immediate area, doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way…

Alright, I guess I’ve rambled enough for one day. I tried asking Darla where to find the rebels, but she went to bed, and I haven’t seen her since. Maybe it’s time to drop some key words around town. I’m not the most popular person there, but there has to be someone with some kind of information..