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Day 1: Outbreak

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Day 1: Outbreak
-I’m not really sure how to feel about this. What is this exactly? The end of the World. My little brother, funny story, always believed that this would come…no it wasn’t WWIII or nuclear bombing….it was a disease. A disease so lethal, and merciless that it left nothing but destruction and despair in its path. Oh, and did I mention zombies? YEAH, I know how crazy it sounds…the things that people took as a joke and dressed up for on Halloween, now…was no longer a illusion, it was real. The destruction of humanity, and this world as we know it. It took the media by storm…first started in good ol Cali…spread through the East like wildfire. Of COURSE the government and militia tried to quarantine it, however …eh I am sure you can guess the rest. MY little brother is one of them to now….-
*paused setting her pencil down on her lap. Clearing her throat, she took a deep breath, eyes wondering towards the ceiling. Tears began streaming down her cheeks, her hand twitching towards the pencil. Debating whether or not she should continue writing these events down, however she remembered something her mum had told her. “Writing down your problems or feelings will help relieve you of your burdens and the weight on your shoulders.” After a few moments to gather herself, she picked up the pencil, resuming where she had left off.*
-He was bitten by mum. I just ….stood there. I was in shock!!!!! ITS NOT MY FAULT HE DIED!!!! I RAN AWAY AS FAST AS I COULD! I just couldn’t stay in that house, watching him choke on his own blood…I ..I’m sorry Johnny. I should of done something, it should of been me…not you. You were to young, to smart, and you should be here now…. I hope wherever you are, you are at rest.-
-This whole thing is just a fucking mess! Dad where are you when I need you the most?! NOT HERE, no WONDER mum left…no WONDER SHE DIVORCED YOU!!!! YOU WHERE NEVER THERE WHEN I NEEDED YOU! WHEN JOHNNY NEEDED YOU!!! …or mum. gonna end this, just wasting paper space and rambling on about my problems. Who doesn’t have those anymore.
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