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Entry 001 – October 18 2016

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Rainy day in the Outbreak

So I found this tattered ass journal on my way over here to Arklay, not that I even knew this place was here to begin with, so it was a pleasant surprise. Now about this journal, it was next to a dead body, some even dead-er walkers, and a husk of a military helicopter with human skeletal remains in it, and what really chills me to the bone is the guy who owned this journal before me. . .

Same fucking name. . .

Same spelling, all that shit, seems he was part of some paramilitary detachment here in Arklay, could be that place on top of the hill, it looked like an old outpost.Old rusting out vehicles that looked militaresque, one of them being a famous Ma-Duece.

Besides the fact, this is my fucking journal now, and I figure I may as well take up this writing thing as all I have to myself right now is this wooden chair, fairly stable scaffolding looking over the walls of my post, and rain. Lots of fucking rain.

So I arrived here maybe half a year ago, time really flies, and i’ve met quite a few people. . . Who are probably dead now, because I don’t see any of them anymore. At most maybe I’ll chop their heads off and break their jaws if they show up as walkers, can’t bite anyone, but keep a recognizable mug until maggots find em’. In the time i’ve been here I’ve ended up as a glorified security guard here at ‘The Eights’, people live here, so I feel like i’m doing something productive when I’m not out in the woods.

Speaking of the woods, there’s a lot of critters out there given how many people seem to be out there hunting compared to before the Outbreak began, it’s as if the Outbreak gave other animals the ability to reproduce at roughly the same rate that bananas go bad, and that’s saying something. But hunting is easy for me, haven’t hurt myself any since hunting is something I’ve been doing long before this shitstorm started, it it was easier back then since my rifle had plenty of ammo to eat. Nowadays people are melting down gold jewelry for a bullet, it’s become more valuable than diamonds and cigarettes.

Si here I am, two years into hell and still wondering why I haven’t woken up, there’s no way the world went to shit, so this has to be some long nightmare I’m trapped in. maybe I’m in a coma and having some poor nurse wiping my ass every day, who the hell knows.

Untill next time. . . Or not.

P.S. Didn’t I mention is terrifyingly dark at night?