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A New life?

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Arriving here on the Island I wasn’t sure what to expect, would this just be another place where only death awaited me? The first day here was not what I expected, though, I am not sure what it was I really expected at all. I was helped by a man named Tristan and a woman named Rylie. Both were very kind and helped me with some zeeks and finding the hospital where they examined me and gave me some supplies to start my new life here. I slept the night there and met a man on the road that told me about this place called the Eights. It was this gated apartment complex that had these beautiful rooms and nice people. I met some I saw at the hospital, Eins and Sienna. Eins gave me some work to do not much different that what I did on the ranch with dad. Made me really miss those times we spent on the ranch tending the horses and the cattle. How dad would teach me some of his old army ranger skills, take me hunting, and teach me to track. We didn’t do anything that exciting, just shovel some dirt into a cart for his gardens to grow more crops before winter hit.  Makes me wonder if this place really has a chance. I’m going to try to work there as security and down at the hardware store as a clerk. Hopefull I can earn enough doing both jobs plus the odd jobs Eins comes up with to get the arrows I need for my crossbow. Feeling like all I have strapped to my back is a large paperweight. If I can get the arrows I will have a better chance hunting wild game, maybe I can sell the furs and save the meat for winter. Wish me luck journal!