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Close call.

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(Do to OOC and RL I’ve kind of lost interest in RP. I might come back or change my mind at some point, but for now it is just best to leave while the stress is at it’s lowest. Have fun, enjoy and hopefully see you all again.)

After a short break, Ellinor returned to the ATC once again. She had fully recovered from her trip to the mainland, but she had other reasons for not coming into work for a bit. She made her way past Conrad, not bothering to respond or even look his direction. Regardless of what he had said.

As she flung the gate shut behind her she looked around the small shed like building for a moment. Kicking an empty beer bottle out from under the main desk and huffing as she looked at the filth that had accumulated. Not that she had expected anyone else to keep it up to her own standards while she was gone, but at least picking up after themselves would have been appreciated.

She spent the better part of an hour cleaning, re-organizing and straightening up the ATC. It helped to keep her mind off things for a short while, but eventually it wasn’t enough.

Many times, she had come close to snapping and losing her grip on reality. Many times, she came mere inches away from killing Conrad. Somehow, she had always managed to pull herself back from the brink. But why?

As she finally sat down behind the counter she started to let her mind wander into that answer. “Why am I still here?”

She had to move out of the apartment and take Chloe someplace new. Someplace Conrad wouldn’t be watching like a hawk. She had already put her life on the line for more than Chloe… That was never the plan or deal. She had managed to keep her thirst for blood down to a minimum of killing rats and whatever other critters she could manage to corner.

It was for Chloe. All of it. Her behavior, her control, all for Chloe. Her safety meant more than anything. Even Ellinor’s true desires. She hadn’t even so much as pushed someone let alone robbed them. It was too comfortable here… and it was all Chloe’s fault for that. She was trapped on this island with people who could care less about anything but themselves. Pretending to be a community. Just like the last ones. They were no safer…

Fevered in these thoughts, Ellinor pulled out her pocket knife and started to dig a chunk of wood out of the counter. Simple profanity and graffiti. Nothing amazing. Nor a sanding wouldn’t take care of, but was enough to get at least the tip of the iceberg of anger out. She took a deep breath glaring out the front of the building, her thoughts on Conrad and how she wanted to go out and finish him. Toss his body in the water to float down river. Then she could just disappear. Not like they would have it in them to track her down outside of this island. How many of them have even left the island in the past 2 years? How far have they even been? Didn’t matter.

Jaw clenched she reached into her pack pulling out a half sheet of paper and a piece of charcoal.

“Abel, thanks for shit and stuff. I’m not sticking around. Mark me off the list. Radio is in the box under the counter. Don’t bother looking for me. I’ve already paid up in full.


She crumpled the paper and stuck it to the counter with a letter opener that had been laying off to the side. She stood up looking around the building one last time… She could steal so much before leaving, but she already had so much from working here… what would have been the point? It was time to move on. Once outside the gate she’d toss the key’s back in on the floor inside the cage. On her way, out, she’d salute Conrad… then give him a half grin.

“Keep up the good work. I’ll be back to clean you up someday.” Conrad had given her a tilt of his head and confused expression. Ellinor kept walking. If only he knew just how close he came to death each time he was within arm’s reach of her… He would have shot her long before.