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Darkness Inside

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Today we endured a freak storm in Arklay especially near the beach. It seems as if Mother Nature just couldn’t make up her mind. The warm temperature did not make sense with the snow showers we saw outside of the mountains.

It had been a pretty quiet day, aside from having to attend to her sister’s clumsiness around a Zulu. It wasn’t nothin’ any kind of serious, would heal up on its own.

After going home and checking everything was ok she made her way to The Eights. Figured shed better start attempting to earn her keep, her dagger and machete wouldn’t do very much when push came to shove.

As she made her way around the perimeter of the property her mind began to wander as flashing images flicked by in her head. Most of them happy, typical growing up memories. The there was the one that caught her breath and made her freeze.

She had never told anyone about him. What he had done, what he had taken. She never told anyone how she’d never be the same. She felt shame as her cheeks glowed red and her eyes betrayed her portrayal of strength. She dropped to her knees in the alley behind the apartments gathering her strength and taking in another few slow breaths.

Even now…in this abysmal life.. if you called this living.

The darkness that was consuming her had nothing to do with the infection! She just hoped that the goodness and love of her family, supportive and at her side would be enough to overcome the darkness inside.



  1. Profile photo of Michael Halsey

    Michael Halsey

    November 10, 2016

    Rebel I am very impressed with your story telling skills! Keep it up!