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Recon Expedition Day 1

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This will be the first time I have been to the mainland in several months. I’ve been so busy immersing myself in the community of Arklay I almost forgot there was a whole continent right across the water. Recent events on the island have taken a toll on the precious commodities. Food, water, medical supplies…and of course…ammo have been burned through at a higher than normal rate. Dale’s been organizing a large expedition to the mainland to restock the much needed essentials. I’ve been hired to some recon ahead of the expedition. I’m to find locations worth scavenging, map them out, and plan the safest route there and back before returning back to the isle. Raiders, infected, militia…they could all be between here and there, thankfully i couldn’t ask for a better companion.

Expedition Beginning_001

Kyle’s been with the company longer than I have. Unlike me he has a knack for the balancing the books. That’s probably why he rose so quickly through the ranks into management. With limited support since the outbreak he’s kept everyone fed, fit, loaded and fueled. I sent word back to HQ that I would be going inland to scout out scavenging locations. Instead of simply sending a shopping list Kyle decided to show in person. He got off the boat a few hours ago packed and ready to go. I offered to show him around the island before leaving but he insisted we head out.

I can’t say i have ever seen him in a firefight before. I know went through has the same training as the rest of the company, but he doesn’t have the service record the rest of the unit does. My hope is he can keep the pace.

We are waiting for dusk, then heading out. I suggested it’d be best for us to move at night, there would be less activity from both the living, and the dead. I want to keep this journey as short as possible. Each day we spend over there increases the risk of attack. My hope is we find a target within a days walk.  For now, its time to head out, i’ll write more from the road
