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Why Rebel?

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Her life had not been a harsh one, she was afforded the luxury of a middle class family and home. She had a decent education, even managed to work several jobs and earn a scholarship to Medical School.  Born and raised in southern Arkansas with her twin sister Lily she had never felt alone. She knew her sister would always be near her, and find her if she had needed help. Her mother left them when she was a child stating several times that Mike Halsey was not the man she had married and she’d grown tired of him- and his over protectiveness. She felt smothered she’d tell Rebel all the time.

Reaching their eighteenth birthday the twins separated, Lilly went on some adventure and Rebel decided to trek a few states away to attend University of Georgia’s medical program. She had started college early, so when high school was over she only had nine months left of community college before UGA.  At both schools she maintained a 3.75 GPA while working and volunteering at various places including the local SPCA & Children’s Hospital. Three years into her studies and the outbreak started. She tried to wait it out, but after a few months knew she couldn’t do this alone. She needed her family.

She decided on September 1, 2015 to start her trek back home to look for her family. She could feel her sister was alive and well- she felt she would KNOW if something had happened. That stupid twin connection- of course she held that connection very dear now! She wandered for just over six months before reaching her home town in Arkansas. When she got there her heart sank- their beautiful home had been destroyed, the entire neighborhood in shambles. There was no sign of life in the town, including her father, sister, and young brother A.J.

She felt so alone, so vulnerable and weak. At this point she was unsure if she’d find her family, but something told her keep going, head west. She had heard the contamination wasn’t as severe the further west you went. So she traveled for what seemed like forever. Her clothes were torn and worn, her body weakened from lack of proper nutrition and rest. On the outskirts of a town she finally collapsed from pure exhaustion under a simple tree. There was no shelter, or place to hide. She knew the opening was not the safest place to rest but her body could not go on.


Suddenly she jolted awake, she was in a moving vehicle. She knew the Zombies couldn’t drive, so she knew she at least wouldn’t be turned but before she could protest her body gave up again and she passed out. Next thing she remembered was waking up and staring into the most beautiful blue eyes… her SISTER! Tears ran down her face, sobbing uncontrollably at the happiness rushing over her! She had found her sister, or rather her sister had found her. They hugged each other tight, sobbed for hours. They were both ecstatic over the reunion but Lilly had some more good news for her, turns out the entire family – for the most part- had decided to head west. Their Aunt Syn and brother AJ and father had all called Arklay home. Their uncle, at the time of her arrival was still unaccounted for, but she hoped that would change.


Instead of deferring to her given name Robynn Elanor Halsey, she now went by Rebel.

Why you may ask?  Simply because she could- cuz she’s a brat like that!