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Take Me to Funkytown! AKA Arklay

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Dear Diary

Journal of Jolee Kim Episode 1: The Phantom

Once upon a

It was the best of times, it was the worst

Okay. I don’t really know what to write here. I’m only doing this because the Professor always said that putting your thoughts on paper can be therapeutic. God knows I could use some fucking therapy right now. I guess no one but me is going to see this anyway. Well, me and whatever cyborg archeologist finds this thing a jillion years from now, so whatever I guess.

About a week ago, I finally found the place the Professor was talking about; Arklay island. Considering my sense of direction, or lack thereof, it’s nothing short of a miracle that I did. I guess Prof is still looking out for me, even now. Thank you Professor, for everything.

The others didn’t make it either. Prof, Big Steve, Gwen (♥), Slick, Zoe… I don’t deserve to be the one to make it. You all deserved better and I’m so sorry. I miss you all.

Except for you, Zoe. Fuck you and the hell you put me through, you stuck up Malibu-Bitch. I hope it was all worth it. May you forever remain the prettiest biter at the ball.

I’m not sure what to make of Arklay. On the surface, it all seems too perfect. Well, as perfect as something can be given the current state of things. The people seem nice and well taken care of. The social structure of the place seems pretty advanced, all things considered. There’s stores and other places of business functioning, and they even have a working hospital! (Which I was checked up in and have been deemed cooties-free #NotABiter)

I have no idea who runs this place. I need to do more digging. I guess Arklay isn’t without it’s issues though. While I was in the hospital, I met a guy in a wheelchair who told me about an altercation in town that got messy. End result; he tried to play peacekeeper and got a bullet to the leg for his troubles. Poor guy. Pretty hardcore, but still… Damned if I let that happen to me. I’m definitely keeping my eyes out in this place.

I’d say I was adjusting fairly well. I have to; I have nowhere else to go! I seem to be the only one in town without a gun. It’s a little unsettling, but with biters everywhere, go figure. I’m going to have to buy one soon. Food would be nice too. Arkley still uses greenbacks though, apparently. which means all of my time and effort collecting bottlecaps has been wasted and I’m essentially broke. Even after the fall of society popular media still lies to me. Time to find a job…

I did hear an interesting tidbit while loafing around the hardware store though; Apparently, there’s a mall not too far that hasn’t been totally F’d over with looting yet. Though the soldier wouldn’t let me join when I asked, she never said I couldn’t follow them. It’s practically like saying yes. I could really use some new clothes and maybe a brush to do something about this damned hair. I swear it has a mind of it’s own. Oh, and food. And water. And food.

Damn, I’m hungry.

PS; Dear Cyborg Archeologist,

If my corpse was nearby when you found this, I apologize for trying to eat your brain. I haven’t eaten in years. Assuming your society has a cure for whatever killed me, I’d appreciate it if you rezzed a sista. Thank you.



  1. Profile photo of Benjamin Weber

    Benjamin Weber

    December 20, 2016

    This was a fun read. Please, write more.