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First time for everything

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First time for everything

Well…um…not really sure what I’m doing honestly.

I’m not some 16 year old or…wait…do 16 year olds write in diaries or journals? Sure that was only 10 years ago for me. Under “normal” circumstances that wouldn’t be anything. But it’s been over two years now since the dead started walking around and this isn’t some B movie horror. It’s the real thing. I guess “normal” isn’t a word that works now either.

So, I found this old manky notebook. Looks like it’d had been some kid’s old school notebook. You know one of those ones with the spiral metal rings holding it together? It even still had some notes in it from school. Looked like science or something like that. I felt kinda bad tearing those pages out and chucking them but…hey, this is mine now anyway. Don’t think the kid is gonna come looking for it anytime soon.

Anyway, I figure even if I just write down stuff once in a while it’ll help alleviate the boredom. My current “house” is just some old junker car someone left on the street years back. Lucky for me I know how to break into these things without just smashing the window. Doesn’t do me any good for protection if the dead can just crawl through the window and get me in my sleep.

What else is there to say….

I work at a pub. A place called Coach’s. It’s almost like old times for me. Pouring drinks, dancing occasionally. The new stuff is having to gather and boil the water to make it safe to drink before putting it into water bottles to sell. Before I even came here I didn’t have to do that. I was luckier than most or so people were telling me.

Before Arklay, I was just bouncing from group to group. Some I stayed with longer. Others shorter. After I lost my friends I knew I couldn’t do it on my own. I’m not a hunter or survivor like that. Too much of a city girl used to getting what I wanted with a smile and a little harmless flirting. That’s the kind of stuff the dead can’t and don’t need. Nope. They just wanna take a bite out of me like I’m some Big Mac with legs.

Oh gosh…Big Mac…I miss food like that. Doubt the patties would even be frozen and usable after 2 years without electricity to keep things going.

So yeah, I’m still hanging in there. Had a rough first week here with all the shooting going on. Lucky for me I managed to get my hand on a shotgun and someone to teach me how NOT to shoot my foot off in the process. Now I don’t feel so weak. I feel like I can handle myself and any retards that get in my way. Not that I’d pull it on some loser for groping or anything. Just…I don’t wanna get caught up in the wrong group ever again. Not ever.

Anyway, I guess I should stop writing before I get too morbid. Sad isn’t a sexy look and it screws with the business of selling the ‘shine.