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March 17th 2017


Just arrived home and finally winding down for some alone time. I have been working these past few days at the local diner. While it’s not ideal, it keeps me busy and I am looking forward to that first paycheck. The owner recently gave the place over to the manager, Kim and so far I like her a lot. She seems level headed enough anyways. She asked me to take over the Manager job today and I accepted. Why wouldn’t I? She said it comes with a pay raise and I could use it. I need to remember to ask her what her expectations are of me.


After work I was in such a good mood I told Jaxon I wanted to go to the smoke shop in town. We didn’t notice it until recently and now I’m kicking myself for it. The owner, Baymo, was pretty rad. Total stoner chick. She even gave us a free joint each. Jax and I had kind of gotten used to not having weed by now…. But that first puff I took last night was amazing, I missed how weed just makes you forget about all the shit in this world. Even now, it still works.


Baymo seemed to like us so much she offered Jaxon a job as a runner. So he’s gonna be selling weed and if he manages to do a good job and sell them all he can make an extra 200 a week. We need to work on the seeds we have and plant, I can’t wait till we get to that point where we’re growing our own plants again.
I was so elated after all that, afterwards I made out with Jax in the middle of the street. I can’t remember the last time we kissed like that, and we haven’t had sex since Morro Bay. But for a fleeting second there my body ached for him. I know he misses it, I’ve caught him a few times in the morning but I usually roll over and pretend to sleep. But I like to listen, it’s kinda weird, I feel guilty but intrigued at the same time about it. One of these days I need to just roll back on top of him and let him take me. Like old times.