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First day

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I did not know what to expect here. I am not one for trusting strangers especially in these dark times. And I sure wasn’t up for this pull together and survive shit. I am a loner, but also a protector so I figured mutual needs might not be so bad. I wandered around and found a young very ambitious lady named Alectra and she seemed to be lost but had a good head on her shoulders for know what she was going to do about it. We talked briefly and off she went to pursue skills to help her survive. I was offered a hatchet at a local store. So armed with my hatchet I set off. I wandered for awhile and started to become weak from lack of nourishment and dehydrated. So food and water became my number one concern. As luck would have it that is not what I found, startled by an infected, instincts set in and I lunged at the infected with my hatchet. Being weaker than I thought, she spun with claws out and got me in the rib cage. I crumbled to the ground and quickly backed away. I got up and managed to limp away to the nearest hospital/ shelter. And that is where I lay now recording my first day of failure. Tomorrow will be better.