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Good Morning

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[[All entries are assumed to be written in Russian. For the sake of this Journal the entries are translated into English so the players can follow the story as it progresses.]]

There are Four of us now….

I woke up this morning, and there was an Angel in bed with me. That wasn’t exactly expected. I didn’t know what to make of it, as I didn’t know who it was. I thought it was Jade at first, as she has a habit of sneaking in while I’m resting, but this one felt different. When I managed to actually wake up, she was straddled atop of me. I had to have been dreaming, right? No, I reached up to grab her, mainly to see if this was a dream or not, and as it turns out.. it wasn’t. She was frantic, trying to convince me that it wasn’t what it looked like. It couldn’t have been what it seemed, I was awake. Still, she managed to fall atop of me in her scrambling to get off. Warm she was.. and not just her ample chest, but below, between her legs. Her panties were the only things separating me from her, and it only took a moment, a subtle movement to make her uncomfortable again. She scrambled out of the room, when I pushed her a bit, (that ass..) well i led her to grind on me for a moment, she jumped off and rushed out the room. It was hilarious for the moment, but i know at least how far I can take her now. Probably best not to force it.. probably best not to pursue it.

Still, she came back with breakfast, and no this time she was clothed. We had a small conversation, I left her with some things to think about before she left for her shift. I understand that she was young when this all happened, but she needs to understand that none of us can be here tomorrow. Life is far too short to worry much about morals.. at least the other types of Morals, old world morals that matter little when humans are on the verge of extinction. Maybe she deals with it her own way, maybe she’s looking for that knight in shining armor.. her fairy tale in this dark world. If that is the case, then it may be best to end such pursuits.. I am not that person.. I never have been… and truth about me, not to say that I’ve lied to her rather I’ve omitted certain things until i feel she’s ready to know, the truth, everything.. will likely scare her away from me anyway. Better now, then later, when she becomes too attached.  I think a bit of scavenging would do me well while i think over this. Maybe I’ll find some things i need for my ship..

There are four of us.. but we may very well soon be three…