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Looking Up

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March 22nd, 2017


I should probably find more time to sit and write but things are starting to look up. After Geri got promoted to manager at Sam N Ella we went to the smoke shop to celebrate. Little did we know the owner was there and she is hella awesome. I kind of geeked out over the shop and she gave us both a joint to get our Friday night started right. Even gave me a job running for her, but it’s been awhile since I was a runner. But hell I was more than willing to give it a shot, since the pay is good and Baymo is boss.


Took a few days but I managed to sell a quarter ounce to one person. Going to have to find the chick again in a week or two and see if she needs more. Said she was putting them in care packages at the shelter. Damn, wish we had some when we arrived a few months ago cuz I sure as hell missed getting high with the wife. But hey we got access to weed now, maybe in the future Baymo will let me grow some for the shop too. I miss getting my hands in the dirt but planting veggies will do for now. Did manage to plant some of our seeds the other day, hoping for a harvest in a few months to keep us fed. Scored some things at work but at a price. Yet worth it. We have shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, and even some new jeans for myself. It’s going to be nice to get clean for once.


Got my first paycheck… I think it was Monday? The days just bleed together anymore. Was only $80 but hell I’ll take it. Also took Baymo her money and she gave me more to sell. Got a bonus for being fast too. She tossed in two joints as well for the wife and I. Fuck did we enjoy them, but having the munchies nowadays sucks balls. We got high as fuck and then I got me some. Man have I missed sex with my beautiful wife. I had almost forgotten how good she was and damn she didn’t disappoint. Made sure to pull that shit out because no more babies for us, not in this fucked up world. I kind of wonder if I can go to the mainland to scavenge, could find condoms? No more waking up early to jerk it anymore if this keeps up and fuck I hope so. It was almost like the old times, just us being high all the time and fucking like rabbits.


It was one hell of a start to the week but later that night my radio went off with a call from Baymo. She sounded freaked and needed me at the Dollhouse. No questions asked I hauled ass to town only to find her with Rudolf, who was shot to shit. She had mentioned earlier that day something about Rudolf going to sort shit out over there but she was worried. She went to check and I guess shit had gone south. We managed to drag his body to the hospital and I think he made it but haven’t had a chance to meet with Baymo since the other night.


Today wasn’t half bad either, minus only finding cat food yet again, but I made a nice trade. Managed to get two boxes of 9mm ammo for my pistol and offloaded some of our shotgun shells. Ran into some infected cops on my walk to get Geri from work and took them out. They didn’t have any guns but one had a clip of 9mm ammo. Jackpot. Decided to take our luck on the long way home and crossed a bunny on the path. Lets just say Geri doesn’t like seeing me hunt, especially a bunny. Managed to make it a clean kill yet she still begged me to spare it. In the end I said fuck it because a full belly for us comes before the life of a rabbit. It was a pretty nice size too. We don’t have much in the way of spices but my wife can make just about anything taste good. I saved the pelt and I’m going to see about cleaning it to trade for some spices or other things we can use tomorrow. But here is to hoping things keep looking up for us.