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My first week in Arklay

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It’s strange to think it’s already been a week since I arrived in Arklay. For the first time in what seems like months I can actually sleep. I do still have nightmares about the undead, about the beginning. But not as frequently. I finally feel some sense of stability here and safety. I’ve been lucky to run across a few pretty friendly people. There is Angie, who helped me out when I first arrived. She was in tears when I first met her, over a broken heart. In a way I kind of envied her, I can’t even remember when my last relationship was. She is bubbly and although young, has a kind heart. The kind of person I would consider being good friends with. I work with her now at the Hospital as a full time nurse. Granted it’s not what I spent eight years in college and medical school for, but what can you do when the world falls apart. It almost seems like a giant cosmic joke. Having worked so hard to be in my first month of residency, then bam…the rules all change.

Then There is Dom who works as security at a secured apartment complex called the Eights. He was kind enough to bring me up to his place for Espresso. Stepping inside, I almost wanted to cry. I had no idea furniture and food that nice even existed anymore. It was like for just one moment stepping back into the life I had grown up in. He offered to let me stay with him for awhile, but living with a single man just isn’t my style. Call me a prude if you will, but I still cling to some morals and notions from the world that once was. Moreso, who I once was. With still nowhere to hang my hat , I find the odd safe building to sleep in or just crash somewhere in the hospital. It’s good until I can make a little money. Hard work is not something I’m afraid of.

Sebastian. what can I say about Sebastian. Oh here’s a word. Bastard..jerk…asshole…butthead. Okay that might have been more than one word. I met Sebastian when he came into the hospital with a cut on his leg and needing stitches. He was kinda forced to stay overnight at the hospital to heal and oh man was he a pain in the ass! But I dunno, it’s been a few days since I met him and we kinda have this weird friendship. Mostly the kind where you piss each other off on a regular basis, but he isn’t the worst person in the world. I still think his muzzle is dorky, but I also think it’s considerate of him to wear it incase he turns. Personally, sometimes I think he’s a little off, but who isn’t these days right? We’ve sort of adopted each other as hunting buddies and it’s nice to not have to hunt and be out there alone all the time. I’ve had enough of being alone.

Then there are others that I met briefly. Such as Pacey and Dan..there was a third but damnit if I can’t remember her name. I only remembered Dan because he was the first one I spoke to in Arklay. I asked him for directions to the hospital and then I bought some goat meat off of him for twenty bucks. I miss the days when you could go to the grocery store and buy meat for less then ten bucks. But he also slid me a candybar, so he’s okay in my books. I remembered pacey because she was the one who was consoling Angie the first day in the hospital. I remembered her from the garage, plus her southern accent is rather distinct. Then there was Izzy, who I met only for a moment and well yeah. There was a lasting first impression there. Lastly there is Garyth, the lab director. We just met briefly as well but I find him very kind. He gave me some food as well. Cereal, an apple, a candy bar. I look forward to getting to learn more about lab work from him.

Arklay does really feel like it could be somewhere I can call home and settle down. It’s not where I had thought I would be at twenty four, but it’s not too bad. For the first time in a long time I feel optimistic and like I could actually be okay.