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Svenja’s Journal (3)

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Entry 3:

Today I went to the hospital. I was not terribly injured or anything, but I thought it was a good idea to look around and see how things work here… and I am quite sure that I will actually need the hospital sooner or later… so knowing how to get there and all will help me out when the time comes.

Anyway, a doctor or nurse talked to me as I entered… I was surprised they have enough staff here so they have time to talk to every person arriving… or maybe I was just lucky. She asked me many questions and I had to fill out a sheet with all kind of information since I was new in Arklay. It can’t hurt if the hospital knows my blood type and other stuff like things I am allergic to… none, but hey, when they find me unconscious and bleeding, then they know what to do!

I even had to stay in the hospital for a few hours… they gave me a bed and something to eat and drink. The nurse said I might have some illness cause I am so pale… I told her that my skin is naturally pale since I am ginger and my skin knows exactly two colors: Albino and lobster. It didn’t matter to her, so I enjoyed my stay… and I am very thankful. I mean, they might have overreacted, but I prefer an overreacting doctor over an not caring doctor any time.

What  happened next? Ah, right… I went into a store that sells weapons, but they are way too expensive. At least they are prized somewhat normal at 1000 or so dollars. That’s only 50 or so apples. Crazy.

Something else happened in that shop though. The woman working there helped me and another girl to find shelter… she led us to a place called ‘The Eights’ where we met a guy namen Ein. His full name is way longer and complicated, so I stick with Ein… all people do that I think.

Anyway… we talked a little and he said he’d let us stay in a spare room if we work for it. Nothing creepy, just ordinary things like cleaning stuff up. Great deal, right? But the biggest surprise was the room he led us to… wow, just wow… it was huge and awesome and… yeah! Ein called it their beloved shithole… but if that’s a shithole, then it’s a 5 star shithole, seriously. It almost looked like a room from before the world went to shit. I love it there. The only downside was that the other girl… Kark was her name if I remember right, also moved in there… and claimed the best bed. Bitch. But it doesn’t matter… I’ll get that bed as soon as she leaves it… can’t be long.

By the way… no idea where Dylen is at right now. He said something about searching something somewhere or whatever… I hope he comes back soon… and is still alive.

Anyway, I go to bed now… in a actual bed. Awesome.



  1. Profile photo of Lark Frye

    Lark Frye

    March 28, 2017

    Lol Kark… It’s Lark, but if that was on purpose it’s hilarious.