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“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

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I wentered through Q school, and realized quickly there is a lot of apocrypha attached to it.

For example, Green Berets bear the nickname, “Snake Eaters” because we supposedly catch and kill and eat anything, including snakes.

I’ve eaten snake, and you know what it tastes like, I’m sure.

Well, I’m going to call her Boomslang.

She is fast as hell, deadly as fuck, and loyal as shit.

We sparred with batons, in the pit behind AEGIS. She had impressed me with having my six, so I wanted to know more about her skill.

She schooled me.

I would sit in her class again anytime.

Everybody in Arklay seems to be a hardass in one way, shape or form, of course. It’s the apocalypse. We learned how to survive.

If you’ve never danced with the Devil by the pale moonlight, then invite Boomslang to a little sparring.

You can see Hell in her smile, the flames lighting up her eyes, the brimstone steaming from her skin.

She’s righteous, she’s not myth, no made up tale.

I’m fucking glad we are on the same side.