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Returned to life

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AESNurseI am starting to settle in at Arklay. It feels different this time, better somehow, and I got an apartment! Thankfully! It was rather uncomfortable to sleep on the harbor. 

And I got a job at the hospital, granted as a nurse, but I am hoping that I can work my way up to become a doctor. It would be nice to be a doctor again, I miss it, but it feels good to just practice again. It was such a big part of me before the outbreak, and I remember how much I used to love my job, which I can start to feel is returning the more time I spend at the hospital.

I’ve met so many kind people here in Arklay.

Kim at the diner set me up with food till I can pay her back on Monday, I just hope my paycheck will cover it, I am trying to put as many hours into the hospital as I can muster, and I am exhausted every day, when I come home, the hospital is under staffed, and there are far too many sick people. I need to save enough to cover rent, food, water, and eventually a weapon. I found some rifle bullets a few days ago, still contemplating whether to trade them, sell them or keep them.  Then there’s Ben, the shelter director, also gave me a box of food. No more dog food for a while! That is possibly the worst thing, I’ve ever tasted.