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Boredom in the Apocalypse???

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Keri - Outbreak_006


Who could’ve thought.. who would have thought, that people could or would get bored after the Apocalypse?
Yet here we are, more days than not we find ourselves with nothing to do but survive, literally. We go out in the woods to sit and wait for that lucky shot, or unlucky shot for the poor, unsuspecting animal that happens to run in front of our cross hairs. Or we wander about town chatting with people here and there, saying “Hi” to new faces and welcoming them with all the positivity we can muster, knowing they are coming from places much worse than we have it here.
Is that it? Do we have it too easy here? Is that why we get bored? I hear of so many people leaving the island for this or that, days sometimes weeks at a time. They say it is for a supply runs or to look for lost friends and family, but could it be boredom too? Maybe we need more danger, sure there are still infected folks around the island, but compared to other places I’d say we keep it pretty well maintained. I’m sure some people need a larger element of danger than others, the thrill seeking type. Those who used to do extreme sports, race cars, go bungee jumping or cliff diving.. jump out of a plain.

People’s interests and needs don’t change, just our way of life, and WOW has our way of life changed! So I guess it’s not all that surprising that we still get bored, hell we probably get more bored now than we ever have. So much for telling our complaining kids “You think you have it bad now… when I was a kid….”, that is if people still choose to bring kids into this new world of ours. My guess is yes considering sex is one of the main ways to avert boredom now days and I haven’t come across too many usable looking condoms when out searching for useful items.

Safe to say, as long as there are humans (living, thinking humans that is), they will continue to get bored from time to time and yes, most likely still complain about it.




  1. Profile photo of Cobb


    June 3, 2017

    People had more to do before the apocalypse but that’s not to say it wasn’t driven by boredom at times. I get bored, but there is less to do now. Waiting for an animal is kinda a major event in this world. Still, I don’t know. Sometimes I just go on walks. Little to see, little to do. The bleak reality. I think it’s the new excitement.. Just a lot weaker. Still, there are people to talk to, do things with. There are encounters, relationships. it’s not al bleak. There’s just not a lot of it to do, for sure.