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Adventures of Prim #1

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Dear Mom 7/14

I found my way to Arkley Island. A few of my Walkie-pals talked about it a few weeks ago, we all seem to be heading there, since we can get on the same radio brain wave, we found out we were only a mile or so from each other. I hope I can meet them, They don’t seem so bad, one calls me Primcess and the one I met up with a few weeks ago calls me two faced. Asshat, but he is right. I just need a break, Since the outbreak my mind has been a mess, But I manage well though. To me it is a blessing when I switch, I am not crazy but others think I am nuts.

They are not far from the truth. I just hope I can keep it together before I am found out I am a mess inside, but it looks like it will rain, and I see a turkey goggling about, I better try to catch it or I will go hungry tonight.


P.s Dang that Turkey is fast! I may call him Flash, but I really shouldn’t name my food.